Trema tomentosa (Roxb.) Hara, Fl. E. Himalaya 19 1971. (syn: Celtis amboinensis Willd. (ambiguous synonym); Celtis lima Blanco (ambiguous synonym); Celtis tomentosa Roxb.; Sponia amboinensis (Willd.) Decne.; Sponia blancoi Planch.; Sponia griffithii Planch.; Sponia imbricata (Bl.) Planch.; Sponia tomentosa (Roxb.) Planch.; Sponia velutina Planch.; Trema amboinensis (Willd.) Bl.; Trema blancoi (Planch.) Bl.; Trema dunniana Lév.; Trema griffithii Bl.; Trema imbricata Bl.; Trema orientalis subsp. tomentosa (Roxb.) Murata; Trema velutina (Planch.) Bl.); . Australia (Northern Territory, Queensland), peninsular Malaysia (Penang, Kelantan, Trengganu, Perak, Pahan, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka, Johor), Singapore, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar [Burma] (Bago, Mandalay, Sagaing), Thailand, Philippines, Ryukyu Isl., Christmas Isl. (Austr. (I)), New Caledonia, China (S-Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, SW-Sichuan, Yunnan), Taiwan, S-and SE-Tibet, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Nepal, Sikkim, Vietnam, Andamans (North Andamans, Middle Andamans, South Andamans, Little Andaman Isl.), Nicobars (Car Nicobar Isl., North Nicobars, Central Nicobars, Great Nicobar Isl., Little Nicobar Isl.) as per Catalogue of Life; . SK1928 19 May 2019 : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)- around 700 kb each. Location: Osho, Kathmandu, Nepal Elevation: 1495 m. Date: 10 May 2019 Habit : Wild Looks like Trema sp. Trema tomentosa (Roxb.) H. Hara ?? Yes, looks different from images at Trema orientalis (L.) Blume. As keys in Flora of China are based on colour of the abaxial and adaxial leaf surface and its hairiness. T. tomentosa is possible based on keys in Flora of China This is also Trema orientalis (L.) Blume … ?? Yes …, seems its also orientalis, once check this, I still go with T. tometosa, based on these keys. . Location: Osho, Raniban, Kathmandu Date: 29 May 2024 Altitude: 1451m. Habitat : Wild These are all from the same locality within a couple of meters. The difference is more pronounced in the current post. . References: |
Trema tomentosa
Updated on December 24, 2024