Trichuriella monsoniae

Trichuriella monsoniae (L. f.) Bennet, Indian J. Forest. 8: 86 86 1985. (syn. Aerva monsoniae (L. f.) Mart.; Illecebrum monsoniae L. f.; Trichurus monsoniae (L. f.) C.C. Towns.);
Van Siliyari;


30012013 BRS 449:
Pl. find the attached file contain photos for id confirmation.
Location: Alambarai fort
Date: 30.01.2013
Habitat: River bank
Habit: Herb like?

This herb is Trichuriella monsoniae (L.f.) Bennet of Amaranthaceae.


Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week:.Trichuriella monsoniae from . Kadapakkam BRS 002:
Sharing the images of Trichuriella monsoniae from Alambarai Fort, Kadapakkam.

Very nice upload. … has earlier showed us white flowered plant yours seems to is a pinkish flowered one.

Yes …, This was taken close to river area.

Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week: RVS-11: Trichuriella monsoniae:
Trichuriella monsoniae, a prostrate herb on sandy soils, from Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu.

A new plant to me, … Many thanks.
The genus name is new to me; attempted search for its etymology … but did not succeed.
Any relation to the place Trichur (Thrissur) ?

Just adding some information from my reading.
—Leaves opposite.
—Pseudostaminodes present.
—Capsules longitudinally dehiscent at maturity
as against indehiscent or irregularly dehiscent in Achyranthes and Alternanthera.

Thanks to one and all for the responses, appreciations and additional information.

…, here is my assumption on the etymology of Trichurus & Trichuriella.

  • The term trich is originated from the Greek word ‘trichoma‘ meaning ‘hair‘ or ‘thread’ (trichome) that may relate to the hair-like leaves in the plant.
  • For example Cymbidiella is a diminutive of Cymbidium; Gelidiella to Gelidium; Rabdosiella to Rabdosia;…thus Trichuriella is similar to/ diminutive of Trichurus.
  • The ‘-urus‘ part of the name Trichurus might have originated from the Greek word ‘oura‘ meaning ‘tail‘ which probably refers to the tail-like appearance of the spikes borne at the endings of branches.

I hope I didn’t confuse you much … Thanks for raising the query.



Need ID: tiny plant in Tadoba: 2 images.
Tadoba, Oct 2024.


Updated on December 24, 2024