Trichuriella monsoniae (L. f.) Bennet, Indian J. Forest. 8: 86 86 1985. (syn. Aerva monsoniae (L. f.) Mart.; Illecebrum monsoniae L. f.; Trichurus monsoniae (L. f.) C.C. Towns.);
. Van Siliyari;
30012013 BRS 449: This herb is Trichuriella monsoniae (L.f.) Bennet of Amaranthaceae. Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week:.Trichuriella monsoniae from . Kadapakkam BRS 002: Very nice upload. … has earlier showed us white flowered plant yours seems to is a pinkish flowered one. Yes …, This was taken close to river area.
A new plant to me, … Many thanks. Just adding some information from my reading. Thanks to one and all for the responses, appreciations and additional information.
…, here is my assumption on the etymology of Trichurus & Trichuriella.
I hope I didn’t confuse you much … Thanks for raising the query. .
Trichuriella monsoniae (L.fil.) Bennet
Trichuriella monsoniae
Updated on December 24, 2024