Trifolium dubium

Yellow suckling clover, Lesser trefoil, Low hop clover, Shamrock, Yellow clover;
India (I); Andhra Pradesh ; Arunachal Pradesh ; Himachal Pradesh ; Jammu-Kashmir ; Sikkim ; Tamil Nadu; Uttar Pradesh ; West Bengal & other countries as per ILDIS;
Small annual herb easily confused with small flowered species of Medicago, but with characteristic palmate (not pinnate of Medicago) trifoliate leaves and small included pod; flowers yellow, 3-4 mm long, in compact nearly hemispherical raceme.


Fabaceae for ID 280212MK01 :  Attachments (4).  2 posts by 2 authors.

Please help me to identify the species. Is this a Trifolium sp. of Fabaceae?
Date: 02 Oct 2011
Place: Private garden of
Ooty, Nilgiris TN
Alt: c. 2000 metres

Leaves: 3 x 3; tri foliolate; mucronate; margin bluntly serrate
Inflorescence: 2cm across with 3cm peduncle

This seems to be mix up of Trifolium dubium and Trigonella here. The two plants are growing together here.


Trifolium sp. for identification 280212MK03 : Attachments (5).  2 posts by 2 authors.

Please help me to identify the species. Is this a Trifolium sp. of Fabaceae?
Date: 03 Oct 2011
Place: near Glenmorgan dam, Nilgiris TN
Alt: c. 1800 metres ASL
Adaxial (back) side of the leaf is hairy
A small trailer herb

Trifolium dubium
Good to see a common Kashmir Plant in Nilghiris also. Here is my upload earlier.


Bangalore-Ooty November 2013 :: Requesting ID of this plant at Ooty :: 17122013 :: ARK-22 : Attachments (4). 4 posts by 3 authors.
Requesting to please ID this plant captured growing wild in Ooty in November 2013. 

Some Tigonella sp (Fabaceae).

Trifolium dubium


Trifolium dubium from Dalhousie-GSMAY02/02 : 1 post by 1 author.
Another species known as Lesser or small hop clover already uploaded by me from Kashmir, found at Dalhousie.
Trifolium dubium Sibth., Fl.Oxon. 231. 1794.

syn: Trifolium minus Sm.
Small annual herb easily confused with small flowered species of Medicago, but with characteristic palmate (not pinnate of Medicago) trifoliate leaves and small included pod; flowers yellow, 3-4 mm long, in compact nearly hemispherical raceme.
efi thread


ANJUN25/26 Trifolium dubium Sibth. (Churdhar Trip 25)  : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)

Family: Fabaceae
Date: 24th May 2015
Place: Renuka Ji-Haripurdhar Route, Himachal Pradesh

Habit: Herb

Yes …


Trifolium dubium Sibth., Fl.Oxon. 231. 1794.
syn: Trifolium minus Sm.
Small annual herb easily confused with small flowered species of Medicago, but with characteristic palmate (not pinnate of Medicago) trifoliate leaves and small included pod; flowers yellow, 3-4 mm long, in compact nearly hemispherical raceme.
Less common in Kashmir often in wet places, photographed from Mohra Kashmir

Wild flower for id – 191113 – RK – 3  : Attachments (3). 6 posts by 4 authors.
Oxalis species? V. small flower. Los Altos, California – 08/07/13 – evening. Request ID.

This is a Fabaceae. Most possibly Medicago sp. This came as weed to India by Wheat import.

Trifolium dubium I hope

Botanical Garden below Cheshmashahi on June 26, 2010;Trifolium dubium from Kashmir – efloraofindia | Google Groups


Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week: Trifolium dubium from Kashmir:
Trifolium dubium Sibth., Fl.Oxon. 231. 1794.

syn: Trifolium minus Sm.
Small annual herb easily confused with small flowered species of Medicago, but with characteristic palmate (not pinnate of Medicago) trifoliate leaves and small included pod; flowers yellow, 3-4 mm long, in compact nearly hemispherical raceme.
Less common in Kashmir often in wet places, photographed from Mohra Kashmir



Updated on December 24, 2024

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