Trifolium fragiferum L. (Syn: Amoria fragifera (L.) Roskov; Galearia fragifera Bobrov; Galearia fragifera (L.) C.Presl) . Strawberry Clover; . India (N) ; Haryana; Himachal Pradesh; Jammu-Kashmir ; Punjab; Uttar Pradesh & other countries as per ILDIS; Trifolium repens is similar to Trifolium pratense, but with smaller leaves and white flowers (another less common species T. fragiferum also has white flowers but inflated fruiting head; in T. repens fruiting head is not swollen). . Trifolium fragiferum from Kashmir: Trifolium fragiferum L., Sp. pl. 2:772. 1753 syn: Amoria fragifera (L.) Roskov Common name: Strawberry clover Perennial creeping herb with white or pink flowers, can be easily confused (especially one with white flowers) with T. repens, but quite distinct in fruit as the fruiting heads in T. repens shrivel on drying, whereas in T. fragiferum the head gets swollen due to enclaged calyces and appears like a strawberry head, hence the name. Perennial, stems creeping often rooting at nodes; leaves trifoliate, leaflets 5-30 mm long, ovate, elliptical to obcordate; stipules lanceolate, membranous; Inflorescence a compact head, 10-14 mm broad, hemispherical in flower, globose, ellipsoid, with an involucre, peduncle up to 20 cm, exceeding the leaf; bract 3-4 mm; calyx inflated in fruit, pubescent; corolla white to pinkish; fruit included in calyx, 1-2-seeded. Photographed in Iqbal Garden, Hazuribagh in Srinagar, Kashmir . Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week: Trifolium fragiferum from Kashmir: . Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week: Trifolium fragiferum from Kashmir-GSOCT78/83 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) Trifolium fragiferum Linn., Sp.Pl. 772. 1753 Common name: Strawberry clover Perennial creeping herb similar to Trifolium repense in appearance but with pinkish flowers and strongly inflated fruiting calyx; leaves trifoliate with elliptic to obcordate leaflets; flowers 6-7 mm long, white to pinkish, in compact globose head on up to 20 cm long peduncle exceeding leaf; calyx pubescent, inflated in fruit., latter included, 1-2 seeded. Photographed from Hazuribagh garden in Srinagar. very nice to see these here . References: |
Trifolium fragiferum
Updated on December 24, 2024