Trifolium pratense L. (Syn: Trifolium borysthenicum Gruner; Trifolium bracteatum Schousb.; Trifolium lenkoranicum (Grossh.) Roskov; Trifolium pratense var. lenkoranicum Grossh.; Trifolium ukrainicum Opperman); . Red Clover, Peavine clover, Cowgrass, Purple clover, Broad-leaved clover • Hindi: त्रिपत्रा Tripatra; . Ascending perennial herb with larger up to 3 cm long obscurely dentate leaflets; flowers reddish-purple to pink, 1.5 cm long, in up to 2.5 cm wide globose heads, short pedunculate; calyx with lower tooth longer than others, not inflated; fruit 1-seeded. . India (N) ; Arunachal Pradesh; Himachal Pradesh; Jammu-Kashmir; Madhaya Pradesh ; Punjab; Sikkim ; Tamil Nadu; Uttar Pradesh; West Bengal & other countries as per ILDIS; . Trifolium repens is similar to Trifolium pratense, but with smaller leaves and white flowers (another less common species T. fragiferum also has white flowers but inflated fruiting head; in T. repens fruiting head is not swollen). . Pl Validate. Picture taken on Jun 01, 2011 Yes .. Another good set of photographs Nepali Name : बेउली Beulee / तीनपाते झार Teenapaate Jhaar Trifolium pratense from Kashmir: A graceful colver with large bluish-purple flowers heads, often common in meadows in Kashmir valley. . Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week:Trifolium pratense: Trifolium pratense is excellent remedy for mumps. A brightly coloured Trifolium as against its sister species. . Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week: Trifolium pratense from Manali and Kashmir: Common names: mammoth red clover, medium red clover, peavine clover, purple clover, red clover Ascending perennial herb with larger up to 3 cm long obscurely dentate leaflets; flowers reddish-purple to pink, 1.5 cm long, in up to 2.5 cm wide globose heads, short pedunculate; calyx with lower tooth longer than others, not inflated; fruit 1-seeded. Very common in Kashmir valley in mountain slopes, gardens and shaded places. Photographed from Harwan Kashmir and Manali Trifolium pratense..
. Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight: Trifolium pratense from Manali and Kashmir-GSOCT80/85 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) Trifolium pratense L., Sp. pl. 2:768. 1753 Common names: mammoth red clover, medium red clover, peavine clover, purple clover, red clover Ascending perennial herb with larger up to 3 cm long obscurely dentate leaflets; flowers reddish-purple to pink, 1.5 cm long, in up to 2.5 cm wide globose heads, short pedunculate; calyx with lower tooth longer than others, not inflated; fruit 1-seeded. Very common in Kashmir valley in mountain slopes, gardens and shaded places. Photographed from Harwan Kashmir and Manali yes. perhaps only clover with more than 3 leaves may even be five. nice. ps if you had clearer pictures of the leaves love to see them Srinagar, August 2022 :: Trifolium pratense :: ARK2022-122: 2 high res. images. Yes, as per images at Trifolium pratense L. Yes Trifolium pratense
Trifolium pratense from Kashmir – efloraofindia | Google Groups . 450 ID wild plant Trifolium: 10 high res. images. Looks like Trifolium pratense L. ! Yes, it is Trifolium pratense dear Saroj ji, thank you very much for ID my plant Yes it is T. pratense. Trifolium pratense.. In kashmir we call this as Vazul chattbat . ID JK 23: 1 image. Please identify this herb from Srinagar in Kashmir. 14/9/24 Trifolium pratense L. Yes Trifolium pratense . References: |
Trifolium pratense
Updated on December 28, 2024