Trigonella glabra subsp. uncata

Trigonella glabra subsp. uncata (Boiss. & Noe) Lassen (syn: Trigonella hamosa subsp. uncata (Boiss. & Noe) C.C.Towns.; Trigonella hamosa subsp. uncata (Boiss. & Noë) Towns.; Trigonella uncata Boiss. & Noe);

Afghanistan (N)]; India (N) ]; Gujarat; Rajasthan; Iran (N); Iraq (N) ; Pakistan (N); Israel-Jordan (N); Lebanon-Syria (N); Saudi Arabia (N); United Arab Emirates (N) as per ILDIS;




Herb from Pali Ghat, Rajasthan 01 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)

Need id of herb from Pali Ghat, Rajasthan.

Some Trigonella species ?

The following species are reported from Rajasthan a per ILDIS database from among those listed at Trigonella :
T. uncata Boiss. & Noe (synonym of Trigonella glabra Thun. subsp. uncata (Boiss. & Noe) Lassen)
I think it matches with Trigonella uncata (Gujarat; Rajasthan)) as per GBIF  Specimen  Threatened taxa publication  POWO

It’s not Trigonella sps.

Trying to identify through BSI, Jodhpur  

The plant might be :- Trigonella glabra.

i will go with … opinion. closest i too came too in more than 45 mitutes of reading and searching. it most likely is Trigonella uncata (Gujarat; Rajasthan))
… has given the references

Updated on December 24, 2024

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