Tristellateia australasiae A. Rich., Voy. Astrolabe 2: 159, pl. 15 159 1834.; . Australian Gold Vine, Shower of gold climber, Vining Galphimia, Vining Milkweed; . India: Cultivated in gardens; Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan, Malesia to Australia as per BSI Flora of India; . Date/Time- 16-08-2010/1:10 PM Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Ludhiana, Punjab Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Garden Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Climber Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- 3-4 cm/yellow i came across a similar post. This is Tristellateia australasiae indeed Flora picture of the year 2010 – Padmini Raghavan.: ID request 25092011 SS1 Garden climber with yellow flowers from Kerala: Date/Time- 8 June and 11 Sep 2011 Galphimia of course… BUT when you say climber… is it twining around support.. has tendrils or branches turn around the support in clockwise or counter clockwise turns… or is it just scrambling upward or outwards towards light? What … is mentioning seems to be correct. it is Galphimia sps. Ofcourse this plant is look like Galphimia gracilis. But that is not a climber. So if that is a climber, it is Tristellateia australis under Malpighiaceae I think this is a climber from the nature of inflorescence in the first picture and the branches in the last pictures (100_9390 and 036). With this assumption I stand for Tristellateia australis of Malpigiaceae family. Thank you all. It is indeed a climber. I will post a few more photographs. Since I am unable to attach pictures to this thread I will have to do it in a new post. Actually, you can attach photographs to any messages, if you are replying using your gmail account. As long as you don’t change the subject line after clicking reply to all, with or without attachment, should place in the same thread properly in our group. Tristellateia australis Here it is identified as Tristellateia australis, while it is identified as Tristellateia australasiae in another thread: efi thread# Both are accepted name as per the plant list, pl. clarify. Correct name is Tristellateia australasiae. ID Request 26092011 SS1 More pictures of Malpighiaceae climber with yellow flowers from Kerala: The plant in the attached photo is Tristellateia australasiae Yes, this is also a good example of how to photograph and what to photograph to submit over the internet to ID a plant… Thanks … for additional pics… Now we all know the id… and my net based research tells me its most likely correct, esp since … says so… Galphimia by the way is an anagram of Malphigia play of words… anatomically an interesting family… the links I sent with your earlier thread has nice descriptions… and you mentioned seeds? Can you collect some? are they fertile… can you sprout them? Since its in your own garden, how long ago did you buy the plant and put it in the ground? from what nursery? So many questions, be patient .. and tell me please… Tristellateia australasiae. Very common ornamental climber in Mysore, Bangalore and Chennai cities. my father got this plant from a friend of his about 5 years ago. He got it as a seedling which was propagated from a cutting and we planted it on the ground. I haven’t tried planting the seeds yet, but no seedlings have sprouted under the plant. I can surely collect the seeds and try if they will sprout. May I know please, how this is different from Galphimia? … I have the same kinda questions, so spent almost a day reading about these things in June or July when I first bought my plant.. which turns out to be Galphimia gracilis… not this plant here in this thread… Dont know.. that ‘s why originally I had thought this was a galiphimia… Googling for Tristellateia australasiae… also brings up names like Galphimia vine, Thyrallis vine, vining golden shower… Univv mich has done some research and have a website and this pdf.. take a look: you can get to the website name from the pdf name… The author states that Malphigia sa whole is very confusing… or some such words.. Take a look.. You being a taxonomist can educate me… Thanks for the encouraging me to check. Galphimia glauca Cav. Anales Hist. Nat. 1: 37 1799. Synonyms: Galphimia glauca f. parvifolia Nied. Arbeiten Bot. Inst. Königl. Lyceums Hosianum Braunsberg 5: 25 1914. Malpighia glauca (Cav.) Pers. Syn. Pl. 1: 506 506 1805. Thryallis glauca (Cav.) Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 89 89 1891. Family: MALPHIGIACEAE Current Location: KFBG, Hong Kong. Yes Galphimia glauca … I just wrote my story on … thread… what a co-incidence… wow.. is this this the season for galphimia or what now I ‘ll have to upload my pictures of G. gracilis… just to contrast or complete this season of galmphimia… Please have a look at the pictures I posted about an hour ago titled “ID request 25092011 SS1 Garden climber with yellow flowers from G. glauca is a climber and G. gracilis is a shrub. I just rechecked my plant and I realised that there is a single style which points towards the genus Tristellateia. Flora of Kerala: Tristellateia australis A. Rich. from Depthi cultural Center Calicut: . References: |
Tristellateia australasiae (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024