Uvaria species ?- Tuirial, Aizawl dist., Mizoram

Image by M. Sawmliana (Inserted by J.M.Garg) 

ID of climber : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 2 authors.
I am attaching herewith a photo of climber for your id. The fruits are edible.

Place of collection : Tuirial, Aizawl dist., Mizoram. Date : Unknown. Latitude : ca. 200 – 900 m.

Uvariasome species in India & eFI with some keys.

If you think this is Uvaria, it looks somewhat similar to http://mindingthefarm.wordpress.com/tree-list-arranged-alphabetically-by-local-name/susong-kalabaw/. But, you will have to ensure the characters meet the description in the link above or in http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=200008602.

Sorry, Sir, I am unable to identify this species, I need more details other than a picture of fruits only!

I would ask the author to consult “A revised taxonomy for Uvaria (Annonaceae) in continental Asia”, CSIRO publishing.

Please check if it can be Uvaria concava of the “Uvaria Paper” previously mentioned,

Pl. see if you can nail it down, from the paper I have sent you.

Sir, to my understanding, typical Uvaria concava fruit would look like the one we have in our database – link

Whereas the fruit (monocarps) in this discussion is neither glabrous, nor have small apicules. So, I have much doubt.
Only favourable points are the orange colour of the monocarps and the “variation in floral and fruit characters” mentioned in the said ‘paper’.
I will check the entire annonaceae and let you know.
Meanwhile, it would be very helpful if … could provide us his opinion and/or more detail.

The problem here is we do ot have entire leaf picture for character evaluation and other details like fruit size or view of the monocarps in different angles.

.I have two suggestions here –
  1. Uvaria argentea Bl. var. bracteata : It is U. bracteata Roxb. of FLORA INDICA and Flora of British India. In Roxburgh’s own words, “berries ….. when ripe of a rich yellow.” But the type species, i.e., U. argentea var. argentea, which is restricted to peninsular Malaysia features red or purple monocarps
  2. Uvaria concava Teijsm. & Binn. : It is U. narum var. macrophylla & U. lurida of Flora of British India. monocarps green turning orange or yellow at maturity….. young stipe and monocarp with sparse indument, later subglabrous.
So, I think the species in this thread is U. concava.
Endnote : there is ample scope for mis-identification, because not much, or even adequate data is available from the submitted picture in this thread.

I think looks different from Uvaria concava as per

Also looks different from Uvaria argentea Bl. var. bracteata as per GBIF– specimen

Can it be Uvaria hamiltonii as per GBIF – specimens onetwo and three and four ?
To me appears some possibility.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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