Turnera aurantiaca

Turnera aurantiaca Benth., J. Bot. (Hooker) 4: 116 116 1842. (Syn: Turnera subglabra Klotzsch); 


Unknown plant: I got a query with a picture from …, who is not a member in our group but follows our group discussion regularly. He would become a member soon.

Here this plants looks strange for me too. Therefore, I request you to kindly help him in idying the species.

It may be Turnera aurantiaca.

Can your friend tell us where was this plant, what time of the year? and how tall if a plant or shrub/tree or was it a climber/scrambler? This info is desirable since this plant is not a native, came from central americas, most likely Mexico… I would like to know where is it planted etc etc

A reply from another thread:
“Thanks to you and … for identifying the plant. It is Turnera aurantiaca, family Turneraceae, also called the orange Turnera. It is a native of Central America. As for … question as to where the plant was found, please inform her that it is usually found in high-end nurseries and because of its beautiful orange flowers there is a great demand for it and it keeps coming off and on in such nurseries. As far as I have seen, the plant is usually seen in polybags. The height of the plant was 2 to 3 feet. I have not seen the full habit but I think it may reach a height of 2 to 3 metres when in full growth. It may also be seen in nurseries in the US and botanical gardens like the Missouri Botanical Garden.

I think the link in your reply is also in the same thread I guess.

Requesting to please ID this plant captured at the Flower Show 2014 at Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai in February 2014.

Turnera sp I suppose

Turnera aurantiaca

Thanks … for the lead. Going through efi, I found a mail where … had identified similar flowers as Turnera aurantiaca

This could be the same Turnera aurantiaca. Hopefully … validates the ID…

id Please
Location : Dattaji Salvi garden, Thane.
State : Maharashtra.

It should be Turnera aurantiaca Benth. (Passifloraceae). Interesting to see petiolar glands on leaves, 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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