Turnera subulata

White Alder, Politician’s Flower, White Butter Cup;  

– Commonly cultivated in Singapore.

-Very common plant in Chennai. Grows wild whenever it rains.



I WANDER’D lonely as a cloud
 That floats on high o’er  vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
    A host, of  golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and  dancing in the breeze.
    Thus exclaimed the remarkable poet Wordsworth in his ode to the daffodils. We also had a similar experience when on our way to  Mahabalipuram. We zipped along enjoying the countryside when suddenly we noticed  these beautiful flowers by the roadside. Lying there, they seemed so happy and  cheerful that we could not ignore them. So we reversed and came to the spot  where they lay. Whipping out the camera, we proceeded to photograph them. And  here they are for your viewing
White Alder
Turnera subulata
Family: Turneraceae
28 Dec 2010

– Turnera subulata, naturalised undershrub originating from south America.

– What I found interesting on a nature walk ( at the Officers’ Training Academy, Chennai)  was the fact that the flowers were closed at dawn, opened later in the sun and were closed when it became cloudy again. Sun-loving  White Alder.

– This is a common weed in Chennai.   The whole play ground in Adyar used to be get covered whenever it rained.  No season for its flowering. Comes up very easily in cleared areas.



09012012 BRS297: Pl. find the attached file contain photo for id. request. Date: 07.01.2012. photo taken from a Nuresry at Coimbatore.

Turnera subulata Smith in Rees

14032012 BRS 330 Id. request (Coimbatore):

Location: Ukkadam, Coimbatore.

Date: 10.03.2012

Habitat: Planted as hegde plant along the road side.

Habit: Herb.







ID request 240715SG : 2 posts by 2 authors. 4 correct images.

Requesting ID of this bush 1-1.5’ ht, flowers and leaves has mild aromatic smell. Photo taken on 24June at Solapur, Maharashtra.

I think, barring fig3.jpg, all pics belong to Turnera subulata




Malvaceae fortnight :: Turnera subulata : Pune SMP18 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 3 images. Ornamental plant. Turnera subulata. Pune


15082017BHAR1 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)

Found in roadside and road divider in Chennai Kanchipuram Highway.

Turnera subulataa garden plant..!! 

Turnera subulata

White alder
Host plant for  tawny coster butterfly (Acraea Viola)



07092017BHAR2 Yellow flowers : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) – 3 Mb or more.

Found in Kanchipuram district, Tamil Nadu.
I think relative to Crossandra infundibuliformis, Acanthaceae family

This herb is Turnera subulata of Turneraceae.

Muthu thanks for your reply.
I am sorry to say that this flower does not match Turnera subulata.
This flower does not have such petals that of T. subulata

Turnera subulata 
Photo taken in the afternoon.

Thanks, … for the id.
I also think matches with images at Turnera subulata

I think you have clicked this picture early morning; at that time the flower remains unfurled.


18062013 ASP 61 : Attachments (1).  3 posts by 3 authors.

Please ID this yellow flowered ornamental plant

…, to me this is a Turnera sp. from Passifloraceae..

Yes; … It is Turnera tulmifolia– Yellow butter cap.- a medicinal /garden plant.

I find it more closer to images at Turnera subulata 

White flower??

Also check at 

old case. is … still around to answer questions? i think you are correct in your assumption, …



Fwd: MS/9/5/2019 – ID of Turnera subulata : 9 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (2)
Please confirm the ID  or otherwise. Ornamental plant photos taken in Mysore. For me it is Turnera subulata

Other recipients:
Id seems to be correct. Regards, Aarti
Id seems to be correct.

seems to be. flower matches FOI. leaves are comparable

Yes it is !!!

Yes, you’re right …, You took T.subulata and ulmifolia too,

Thanks … for noticing the minutest details ! I will be sending the photographs of T.ulmifolia or diffusa (?) separately for ID in due course..

if you have side or bottom up views of the flowers, I shall appreciate them
also the under surface of the leaves, for both species









Plant for ID : (mixed thread): Attachments (1).       

Wild flower seen in Urban garden, Calicut, Kerala. Turnera ulmifolia L. [Passifloraceae].

Supporting …

This may also be Turnera subulata rather than Turnera ulmifolia as per comparative images at Turnera 

Turnera ulmifolia.

Commonly cultivated in Kerala.

Although details of the flower has mostly burnt, you can see blackish spots at the throat of the corolla. Also petal shape is also different. Pl. see images at Turnera ulmifolia
This is Turnera subulata only.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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