Turnera ulmifolia L., Sp. pl. 1:271. 1753 (Syn: (=) Turnera angustifolia Mill.) as per GRIN ; . Turnera ulmifolia L., Sp. Pl. 1: 271 271 1753. (Syn: Turnera alba Liebm.; Turnera angustifolia Mill.; Turnera ulmifolia var. angustifolia (Mill.) Willd.; Turnera ulmifolia var. velutina (C. Presl) Urb.) as per The Plant List; . Yellow Buttercups, Yellow Alder, Sage Rose, Cuban buttercup; . Flora of Panipat: Turnera ulmifolia from Arya PG College Campus Panipat: This is also cultivated, Nurserymen say this Gul Dupahari However i am not agree to this common name . Watchmen near the well said in local language it is called “Raswanti“ Date/Time-Sep 2011 Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Pune Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-wild Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Herb Height/Length- 1/2 ft Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-dark green Bright yellow half opened flower Yah!! Turnera ulmifolia i have uploaded this soime time before attaching few pics again from my college Thank you all for Id really very attractive and fresh plant. Thank you for the pics I could see the open flower this is in family Passifloraceae <http://www.theplantlist.org/browse/A/Passifloraceae/> Turnera ulmifolia ??: Turnera ulmifolia L. (Hooghly): SYMBIOSIS : 206: Attaching an image of male of a Mottled Emigrant butterfly on the flower of Turnera ulmifolia.I am thankful to …, for identifying the flower. I.D please: Yesterday, i received those two mails, meant for id request, in my inbox and sent reply to each one to …, the one titled, “bon begun (1).jpg” , is likely to be Solanum torvum Swartz, and the other one, “un id flower.jpg” seems to me Turnera ulmifolia L. ID Help :- efloraofindia:”For Id 05092011MR8’’ bright yellow flower growing in the crevice of a well Pune : Attachments (1 + 3). 10 posts by 5 authors. Request for identification Watchmen near the well said in local language it is called “Raswanti” Date/Time-Sep 2011 Location-Place, Altitude, GPS- Pune Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-wild Plant Habit-Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Herb Height/Length- 1/2 ft Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-dark green Bright yellow half opened flower Turneria species? Thank you … for the clue. Can it be Elm-leaved Turnera – Turnera ulmifolia may be Turnera ulmifolia Yah!! Turnera ulmifolia i have uploaded this some time before attaching few pics again (3 numbers) from my college Thank you all for Id really very attractive and fresh plant. … Thank you for the pics I could see the open flower Is it of Turneraceae family or Passifloraceae? A recent study found that yellow alder potentiated the antibiotic activity against methicillin—resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Very imp in medicine S aureus has really become resistant and difficult to Rx this is in family Passifloraceae YES!!! Shrub Id from Bangladesh SM020 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1). Tiliaceae member? Habit: Shrub/Herb Habitat: open place of village thickets Flowering: October Location; Barisal Turnera ulmifolia L.: Turneraceae Is this Turnera angustifolia? or T. ulmifolia? As per Grin (updated in 2012), Turnera angustifolia Mill. is a synonym of Turnera ulmifolia L. BND 4 4/11/14 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Please ID this small herbaceous ornamental with yellow flowers. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in March 2013. Turnera ulmifolia L. Turnera ulmifolia Yes I agree with … yes and isnt this the one being studied to use in MRSA bugs? … Request for identification. : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) May be Turnera ulmifolia. Fwd: SK916 28 DEC-2017:ID 2 : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) Location: Bangkok, Thailand Date: 22 August 2012 Altitude: 40 ft. I know this plant. But unable to remember right now. I will check out & let you know. Turnera ulmifolia? Also check for T.subulata. I think matching more to Turnera ulmifolia L. Location: Kowloon Park, Hong Kong Date: 16 August 2018 Elevation:125 ft. Habit : Cultivated Looks like a Turnera. Turnera ulmifolia L. Thank you …
Thursday’s Plant — Turnera ulmifolia .
Resembles Turnera sp. Pl. check with images at Turnera ulmifolia L. . Turnera ulmifolia from Hawaii-GS31012023-1: 2 very high res. images. Yes from me. it is a common weed here. Long back I posted the photos to the group. But not seen any where. Yes, appears close as per images at . MS/2023/119: 4 images. Turnera ulmifolia ! . . References: |
Turnera ulmifolia
Updated on December 24, 2024