Tussilago farfara

Common name: Coltsfoot
Perennial rhizomatous herb frequently flowering just after the snow melts, flowering stalks appearing before leaves; leaves orbicular-cordate up to 12 cm long, white tomentose beneath, margin unequally toothed; capitula solitary, yellow, 15-20 mm across, radiate, on scape bearing many scale-like leaves, finally nodding; ray florets many, disc few; achenes cylindrical, 3-4 mm long with 10-15 mm long white pappus hairs.


Tussilago farfara from Kashmir:
Tussilago farfara L., Sp. pl. 2:865. 1753

Common name: Coltsfoot
Perennial rhizomatous herb frequently flowering just after the snow melts, flowering stalks appearing before leaves; leaves orbicular-cordate up to 12 cm long, white tomentose beneath, margin unequally toothed; capitula solitary, yellow, 15-20 mm across, radiate, on scape bearing many scale-like leaves, finally nodding; ray florets many, disc few; achenes cylindrical, 3-4 mm long with 10-15 mm long white pappus hairs.
Photographed from Gulmarg and Pahalgam, Kashmir.


Plant for ID from Paddar Valley J&K. 271211 SRANA 03:
Request for Identification

Kindly identify the plant.
Date: 13th June 2011.
Location: Paddar valley district Kishtwar J&K.
Altitude: 4300 meters asl.
Plant height: 20-30 cms
Plant habit/habitat: Wild herb

Tussilago farfara L. (Asteraceae). In this plant flowers appear early and leaves later.

Yes …


Asteraceae Fortnight Part 1-Radiate Heads: Tussilago farfara from Kashmir-GS105 : Attachments (2). 4 posts by 4 authors.
Tussilago farfara, one of the ealiest flowers to appear in Himalayas, the scapes (without any leaves) emerging from melting snow in March-April, flowering continued in May after leaves appear.
Photographed from Kashmir.

Thank you sir! It is rarely photographed.

Tussilago farfara, one of the earliest flowers to appear in Himalayas, the scapes (without any leaves) emerging from melting snow in March-April, flowering continued in May after leaves appear.
Photographed from Kashmir.

ID please : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1).
This is a herbaceous plant of temperate forest (2500m 3000m amsl). The plant is collected from the temperate coniferous forest of district Chamoli, Uttarakhand in April 2014.

Tussilago farfara

Yes, agree with the ID by …; Tussilago farfara (Asteraceae).
At the time of flowering there are no leaves which appear later. Rare in Uttarakhand.

Tussilago farfara : Gulmarg,Kashmir : 24JUN16 : AK-43 : Attachments (2)
Pictures taken at Gulmarg on 25th April,16.
Identification credit …

A bouquet coming out from soil !!

Marvellous catch! It appears that snow has recently melted from this place and Tussilago farfara bunch has come up. Leaves appear quite late. Never seen such a beautiful aggregation of heads.

Yes an important forage food in North America for salads. those rough looking petals are edible as are the young leaves later in the season. they tend to come up in the same patch from years before


Tussilago farfara submission : 8 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (5)- around 450 kb each.
Tussilago farfara
Common Name – Coltsfoot
Family – Asteraceae
Photographed at Kullu district, Himachal Pradesh 
Altitude – 1800m asl
Dated – 20 March 2019

nice. would have loved to see young flowers in all their yellow glory

Actually I have photographed them on Overcast day with drizzles so flowers are not fully bloomed and i couldn’t manage to go back to that site again.
But i will surely photograph them in full bloom whenever i encounter them next time…

Lahaul Valley from Himachal Pradesh, Elevation 2000 – 2500m;Tussilago farfara Linn – efloraofindia | Google Groups

Tussilago farfara: 1 high res. image.
Habit: herb
Location: Ganderbal, Jammu and Kashmir.
Date of collection: February.


SK 3779 05 July 2023: 3 very high res. images.

Location: Dhorpatan, Baglung, Nepal 
Date: 31May 2023
Elevation: 2900 m.
Habit : Wild

Can it be some asteraceae member?

Please check for Tussilago farfara, Asteraceae.

Tussilago farfara



Updated on December 24, 2024