Typha domingensis

Typha domingensis Pers., Syn. Pl. 2: 532 1807. (syn. Typha abyssinica Rchb.f. ex Rohrb.; Typha aequalis Schnizl.; Typha aethiopica Kronf.; Typha americana Rich. ex Rohrb.; Typha angustata Bory & Chaub.; Typha angustata var. abyssinica (Rchb.f. ex Rohrb.) Graebn.; Typha angustata subsp. aethiopica (Rohrb.) Kronf.; Typha angustata var. aethiopica Rohrb.; Typha angustata var. gracilis Nyman; Typha angustata var. leptocarpa Rohrb.; Typha angustifolia subsp. angustata (Bory & Chaub.) Briq.; Typha angustifolia var. australis (Schumach.) Rohrb.; Typha angustifolia subsp. australis (Schumach.) Kronf.; Typha angustifolia var. brownii (Kunth) Kronf.; Typha angustifolia var. domingensis (Pers.) Griseb.; Typha angustifolia subsp. domingensis (Pers.) Rohrb.; Typha angustifolia var. domingensis (Pers.) Hemsl.; Typha angustifolia subsp. javanica (Schnizl. ex Rohrb.) Graebn.; Typha angustifolia var. virginica Tidestr.; Typha australis Schumach.; Typha basedowii Graebn.; Typha bracteata Greene; Typha brownii Kunth; Typha damiattica Ehrenb. ex Rohrb; Typha domingensis var. australis (Schumach.) Gèze; Typha domingensis var. javanica (Schnizl. ex Rohrb.) Gèze; Typha domingensis var. sachetiae Fosberg; Typha domingensis f. strimonii Cheshm. & Delip.; Typha ehrenbergii Schur ex Rohrb.; Typha essequeboensis G.Mey. ex Rohrb.; Typha gigantea Schur ex Kunth; Typha gracilis Schur [Illegitimate]; Typha javanica Schnizl. ex Rohrb.; Typha macranthelia Webb & Berthel.; Typha maxima Schur ex Rohrb.; Typha media Bory & Chaub. [Illegitimate]; Typha pontica Klok. fil. & A. Krasnova; Typha salgirica Krasnova; Typha tenuifolia Kunth; Typha truxillensis Kunth);

Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka (Ballari, Kolar and Chamarajanagar Districts), Maharashtra (Akola district), Odisha and Tamil Nadu as per Flora of Peninsular India;

Tropics & Subtropics as per WCSP;

Afghanistan; Alabama; Albania; Algeria; Andaman Is.; Angola; Argentina Northeast; Argentina Northwest; Argentina South; Arizona; Arkansas; Assam; Azores; Bahamas; Baleares; Bangladesh; Belize; Benin; Bermuda; Bolivia; Botswana; Brazil North; Brazil West-Central; Bulgaria; Burkina; California; Canary Is.; Cape Verde; Cayman Is.; Central African Repu; Chad; Chagos Archipelago; China North-Central; China South-Central; China Southeast; Colombia; Colorado; Congo; Corse; Costa Rica; Cuba; Cyprus; Delaware; Djibouti; Dominican Republic; East Aegean Is.; Ecuador; Egypt; Eritrea; Ethiopia; Fiji; Florida; France; French Guiana; Gabon; Gambia; Georgia; Ghana; Greece; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Guyana; Haiti; Hawaii; Honduras; Illinois; India; Inner Mongolia; Iran; Iraq; Italy; Ivory Coast; Jamaica; Japan; Jawa; Kansas; Kazakhstan; Kentucky; Kenya; Kirgizstan; Korea; Kriti; Krym; Lebanon-Syria; Leeward Is.; Lesser Sunda Is.; Libya; Louisiana; Malawi; Malaya; Mali; Manchuria; Maryland; Mauritania; Mauritius; Mexico Central; Mexico Gulf; Mexico Northeast; Mexico Northwest; Mexico Southeast; Mexico Southwest; Mississippi; Missouri; Mongolia; Morocco; Mozambique; Myanmar; Nansei-shoto; Nebraska; Nepal; Netherlands Antilles; Nevada; New Caledonia; New Guinea; New Mexico; New South Wales; Niger; Nigeria; Norfolk Is.; North Carolina; North Caucasus; Northern Territory; Oklahoma; Oman; Pakistan; Palestine; Paraguay; Peru; Philippines; Portugal; Primorye; Puerto Rico; Queensland; Romania; Runion; Rwanda; Sardegna; Saudi Arabia; Senegal; Seychelles; Sicilia; Sinai; Society Is.; Somalia; South Australia; South Carolina; South European Russi; Southwest Caribbean; Spain; Sri Lanka; Sudan; Sumatera; Suriname; Switzerland; Tadzhikistan; Taiwan; Tanzania; Tasmania; Tennessee; Texas; Thailand; Togo; Transcaucasus; Trinidad-Tobago;
Tunisia; Turkey; Turkey-in-Europe; Uganda; Ukraine; Uruguay; Utah; Uzbekistan; Venezuela; Venezuelan Antilles; Victoria; Vietnam; Virginia; Western Australia; Wyoming; Xinjiang; Yemen; Yugoslavia; Zambia; Zare
as per Catalogue of Life;

Common name: Lesser Indian Reed Mace, Elephant Grass, Small Bulrush, Lesser Cattail • Hindi: पतेरा Patera, Pater • Marathi: Pun, Pan-kanis • Tamil: ஸம்பு Sambu • Telugu: Dabbu Jambu, Jammu • Kannada: Apu • Bengali: হোগলা Hogla





Typha sp. from Hooghly 12/6/12 SK2: In telugu it is called jammu ( జమ్ము) Almost in all water logging area it is growing in AP. Also available in Chennai city. (FRLHT search results for Jammu are Typha angustata BORY & CHAUB, Typha angustifolia L., Typha australis SCHUM. & THONN., Typha elephantina GRAH, NON ROXB.)

My book, “Plant Groups” (by H. Mukherji), mentions three common species of Typha – 1) T. elephantiana Roxb., 2) T. angustata Chaub. and 3) T. latifolia L.
It also mentions that T. angustata Chaub. & Bory, is JAMMU / JAMBU in Telegu. But this book doesn’t descibe any of the above three species.
According to keys available at eflora China, also a pdf file found there and attached herewith –
  • Typha elephantiana Roxb. – TS of leaf is triangular. This is also confirmed by local people who knows this species……. MY species cannot be a T. elephantiana.
  • Typha latifolia L. – female spike is not separated from male spike…. again my species cannot be a T. latifolia.
According to “The Plant List”
The description available at the FoI (http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Lesser%20Indian%20Reed%20Mace.html) and again at eflora China (http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=134063) suggests that this species is Typha angustata Chaub & Bory.
Attaching three more pics and the pdf file.
Dear …,
Please take a note that Typha angustata is not HOGLA in Bengali as have been mentioned in FoI (http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Lesser%20Indian%20Reed%20Mace.html). There is no Bengali name for it.

According to the above mentioned book HOGLA is T. elephantiana Roxb. Bangladesh web site will also confirm thathttp://www.mpbd.info/plants/typha-elephantina.php#.T-yedReO1gA.

Typha angustata: I have been searching for this plant for a few days because I need to take a photo of it for a project. I was wondering if anybody knew of a plant somewhere in Bangalore. If you do, it would be amazing of you to let me know 🙂

I remember seeing these in Hebbal lake adjoining to Forest dept.’s nursery, near Ananthapura/California Resort. Not sure if it is still present there. But it is commonly seen in many places in Bangalore in roadside canals and water-logged areas.
… should be able to help you.

You may find in the water bodies near sewage water treatment pond, after Bangalore University Campus entrance on Bangalore – Mysore Road


Need id of this typha sp. Mathura 01 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)

Need id of this typha sp.

From Mathura
20 December 19
Height is approx 2.25 to 2.50 mtr
Growing near wetland

Flowering spike is about 1ft to 1.25ft

Typha angustifolia

These are Typha domingensis

Typha angustata
Hindi: Patera
A male Streaked Weaver is perched on the fruit of this plant. This bird nests on it.
Sonepat, Haryana, 17 May 09.

Stand to be corrected about the plant ID. Link: http://aoki2.si.gunma-u.ac.jp/BotanicalGarden/HTMLs/hime-gama.html

Some useful links related to uses of Typha.
[Simply ignore ‘Sign in’ key in Ecoport. It is for editors only, not for visitors.]

and the bird is a Baya- Ploceus phillippinus– a male one. Beautiful

It is a male Streaked Weaver, …. Baya usually nests on trees.

Also, see the breasts – streaks a re visible.

The bird is a Streaked Weaver (Ploceus manyar) as the black on its face extends right around his neck. In Baya Weaver the black patch is present only on the face and not behind the neck.



Validation of Typha : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- 5 mb.

Request for validation of Typha angustifolia from Bilaspur. Photographed in June 2020.

Comparing the available photographs in the NET it confirms your ID – according to me.

It may be Typha domingensis Pers., if we go by distribution as below:
Typha angustifolia L. (Karnataka (Gulbarga and Coorg district), Kerala and Maharashtra as per Flora of Peninsular India)
Typha domingensis Pers. (Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka (Ballari, Kolar and Chamarajanagar Districts), Maharashtra (Akola district), Odisha and Tamil Nadu as per Flora of Peninsular India)
If there is different distribution in Flora of Tamil Nadu, pl. let us know.

Thank you very much … I will check and get back.


Aquatic plant from Chennai -5:

Location : A polluted water body in Chennai
Date : 17-03-2011

I guess it is Typha latifolia.

May be Typha

May I request you to pl. post better image as the details are not properly seen here,

I am taking it as Typha angustata syn. of Typha domingensis Pers. based on distribution given in Flora of Peninsular India.

Typha domingensis (syn: Typha angustata) from Kashmir,

Common in ponds and lake borders. Photographed from near Pattan on June 19, 2010.

Just to reduce confusion for others, this is plant different from T. angustifolia L. which is very often misspelt as T. angustata.
Typha domingensis Pers., Syn. Pl. 2: 532 (1807).
Syn: Typha angustata Bory & Chaub., Nouv. Fl. Pélop.: 4 (1838).

Typha angustifolia L. (Temp. Northern Hemisphere as per WCSP) and Typha domingensis Pers. (Tropics & Subtropics as per WCSP) are very close as per keys in Flora of China.
Is it possible that it may be Typha angustifolia L., being from Kashmir ?

This is Typha domingensis without any doubt
Typha angustifolia is not described in eFlora of Pakistan
There is very useful paper by Halder, Venu & Rao (2014), who have Resurrected distribution of T. angustifolia in India, but do not cite any material from Kashmir.

I feel many of our submissions which are now under T. angustifolia may have to go to T. domingensis, the authors write species exists in India though as not as prevalent as T. domingensis (=T. angustata).








Updated on December 24, 2024

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