Uncaria laevigata

Assam to China (Yunnan, Guangxi) and Indo-China: Assam, Bangladesh, China South-Central, China Southeast, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO;

Unidentified climber found in Manipur, at low elevations. Notice the hooked thorns.
At first I thought it is a Smilax species, but leaf veins pattern doesn’t agree.
Any help in identification will be welcome.

It is Uncaria sp.
My post from Gori Valley was identified as Uncaria sessilifructus..

Thanks …!
I think it is Uncaria laevigata.

Uncaria sessilifructus is reported from Manipur.

So what is it finally ?
Also check Uncaria scandens (Sm.) Hutch.

I still think it is Uncaria laevigataalthough I am not able to say it with full confidence. The details of the flowers agree with the images here:
Inflorescence and leaf underside do not appear to agree well with Uncaria sessilifructus
The hooked thorns in this genus are generally paired in most species. However, in my plant they don’t seem to be paired. In the herbarium image of Uncaria laevigata at POWO, also don’t seem to be paired. However, I could not find mention of the nature of thorns in the description at Flora of China. In many images of U. laevigata on GBIF too, I find unpaired thorns. Don’t know if it is a feature of this species or a coincidence.
My plant doesn’t agree well with the illustration of Uncaria scandens here:
Any more inputs will be welcome.

Two species appears rather close as per keys from Flora of China:
9 (8)Leaf blade not glaucous abaxially, with tertiary venation mostly reticulate and not strongly scalariform on adaxial surface; peduncles simple; corolla lobes externally glabrous; fruit 6-8 mm. U. laevigata
+Leaf blade often glaucous abaxially, with tertiary venation rather evidently scalariform at least on adaxial surface; peduncles simple or often branched; corolla lobes externally sericeous; fruit 10-14 mm. 10 U. sessilifructus

You have to examine closely these with the original images, to come to the conclusion.

Yes …,
I have been doing that. One feature I want to point out is that in the attached illustration of Uncaria sessilifructus I have marked some objects by red – they are bracts I guess. These are seen in the drawings at FOC and also in all herbarium images of Uncaria sessilifructus that I have seen. These objects are missing in the plant whose images I posted. These objects are also not there in the herbarium image of Uncaria laevigata at POWO.
Leaf undersides don’t appear glaucous, in the attached closeup of leaves.

Thanks, … I think you are right.
I checked in GBIF for specimens from India and it seems to be correct as per Specimen from Manipur.
Looks different from Uncaria sessilifructus Roxb. as per GBIF– specimen in India

Thank you … for pointing out this herbarium specimen from Manipur! Yes, it agrees well.


MS Dec,2019/05 Uncaria sp. ? for ID : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Location : Marpara, Mizoram

Altitude : ca 70 m.
Date : 20-12-2019
Habit : Large climbing shrub
Habitat : Wild

To me appears close to Uncaria scandens (Sm.) Hutch. as per comparative images at Uncaria

Are there any other species (other than the two available in efi site) found in your area ?

This looks more close to Uncaria sessilifructus Roxb. or, may be Uncaria laevigata Wall. ex G.Don based on the

leaf venation (pattern and numbers) and texture, pubescent and glabrous.

What are the keys in your book?

Can you send high res. images to check the corolla as per the keys?

2 high res. images.

Thanks, …, for pointing this out.
Taking it as


Mitragyna sp. from Assam KD 06 Nov 24: 6 high res. images.
Attached images are Mitragyna sp. from AssamPlease ID of the sp.

Date : 07.11.24
Location: Assam
Family : Rubiaceae
Genus & species :  Mitragyna sp. (?)
Habit : Climber 

Mitragyna rotundifolia (Roxb.) Kuntze

My species does not match with  Mitragyna rotundifolia. It seems  Uncaria  sp. of Rubiaceae.

Close to images at



Updated on January 10, 2025

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