Uraria lagopus var. neglecta (Prain) H.Ohashi (Syn: Uraria fujianensis Yen C. Yang & P.H. Huang; Uraria neglecta Prain); Erect shrub with pubescent branches; leaves 3-foliate, with ovate-oblong 5-8 cm long leaflets, rarely reduced to single leaflet, entire, base rounded; flowers purple, 5-7 mm long, in dense terminal raceme up to 30 cm long covered with hairs; pod 5-7 jointed, sessile, glabrous, constricted between seeds. Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Uraria lagopus for validation:: Chakrata :: NS OCT 124/124 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)This was a tall herb with glandular floral stalks and sepals was recorded from Chakrata… Please validate the id or correct.. Uraria lagopus..? Uraria lagopus to me. It is the Uraria which reaches up to temperate zone, other species are usually restricted to plains and lower hills in Uttarakhand. As per Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week: Desmodium sp-4 for ID from Chakrata Deovan Road, the species reported from the area is Uraria neglecta now correctly known as Uraria lagopus var. neglecta (Prain) H.Ohashi
Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week: Desmodium sp-4 for ID from Chakrata Deovan Road: Desmodium sp-4 growing along road sides along Chakrata Deovan road, Photographed in September, flowers mauve-pink in colour formins a dense erect raceme like D. heterocarpon but somewhat different. This is Uraria picta (Jacq.) DC. i guess some species of Uraria… very diificult to say picta, but it may be.. leaves are quite different than of picta.. Yes the species reported from the area is Uraria neglecta now correctly known as Uraria lagopus var. neglecta (Prain) H.Ohashi I think my plant should be U. neglecta only according to eFlora of China: U. picta: Leaves 5-7 (rarely)-foliate, leaflets linear-oblong to narrowly lanceolate; U. neglecta: Leaves 3-foliate, sometimes 1-foliate, ovate-oblong this is NOT uraria picta… leaf anatomy is different… Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week: Is this also Uraria neglecta?, Chakrata Tiger fall road: With my following mail finally turning out to be Uraria neglecta, I would seek your opinion on the attached plant which looks similar but inflorescence is much more dense, longer and flower light mauve in colour. The plant was photographed from Chakrata Tiger fall road in September. Adding some more pics Sir It looks me like Uraria lagopus var. neglecta
Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight: Uraria lagopus var. neglecta from Chakrata Deovan Road-GSOCT83/88 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3) Uraria lagopus var. neglecta (Prain) H.Ohashi Syn: Uraria neglecta Prain Erect shrub with pubescent branches; leaves 3-foliate, with ovate-oblong 5-8 cm long leaflets, rarely reduced to single leaflet, entire, base rounded; flowers purple, 5-7 mm long, in dense terminal raceme up to 30 cm long covered with hairs; pod 5-7 jointed, sessile, glabrous, constricted between seeds. Photographed from open slopes along Chakrata Devan road in September. References: |
Uraria lagopus var. neglecta
Updated on December 24, 2024