Urochloa setigera (Retz.) Stapf, Fl. Trop. Afr. 9: 598 1920. (Syn: Brachiaria setigera (Retz.) C.E.Hubb.; Brachiaria setigera var. albistyla Basappa & Muniy.; Echinochloa setigera (Retz.) P.Beauv.; Oplismenus prostratus Edgew. [Invalid]; Panicum affine Poir.; Panicum procumbens var. setigerum (Retz.) Nees; Panicum prostratum var. setigerum (Retz.) Büse; Panicum setigerum Retz.; Urochloa cordata Keng f. ex S.L.Chen & Y.X.Jin; Urochloa setigera var. albistyla (Basappa & Muniy.) Karthik.); . Indian Subcontinent to SE. China and Borneo: Assam, Bangladesh, Borneo, China Southeast, Hainan, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand as per POWO; . The scattered hairs on the rachis, acuminate spikelets, small lower glume, 7 nerved upper glume, paired spikelets; . Common wasteland grass, usually in shady places; .
Species : Unknown Habit & Habitat : small grass, not sure about its height, maybe about 1.5 feet Date : 19/7/12, 9.41 A.M. Place : Hooghly This is Brachiaria setigera (Retz.)C.E.Hubb. You can see the arrangement of spikelets is almost on one side of the rachis. The rachis is ribbon like with a thick midrib, so the cross section of the rachis will be triangular (triquetrous rachis). You can see that some of the spikelets towards the base of the raceme are paired (one sessile and one pedicelled), whereas most of the spikelets towards the tip are solitary. On close observation, you can also see a few isolated setae/ long white hair on the rachis. The lower glume is less that quarter the length of the spikelet. The racemes are alternate on the main axis. The leaves are lanceolate with a rounded to subcordate base. All these leads to Brachiaria setigera, a common wasteland grass, usually in shady places and is a good fodder. I can see all the features you have explained here, except that i am not sure about lower glumes. I assume that those triangular shapes, with lighter shades, at the bases of spikelets (pic no. grass19jul12_BB_DSCN7401.jpg) are lower glumes. Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae Week: Poaceae : Brachiaria? sk08 : Attachments (9). 3 posts by 2 authors. I found this grass today (6.4.13), locked inside a private property. So, i give an approximate stat. – erect part about 1 to 2 ft high, leaves between 1 inch to 2 inch., raceme about the same length. This grass looks like the one in – http://www.dld.go.th/ncna_nak/brachiariasetigerae.html. But at the same time it looks different from – efi thread. Brachiaria setigera. Such detailed photos are really precious for identification. The scattered hairs on the rachis, acuminate spikelets, small lower glume, 7 nerved upper glume, paired spikelets, character of leaves, auricles, etc. are shown in detail. Good work! Thank you very much Sir for the ID as well as every detail of this grass. June15sk13/13 : Urochloa setigera (Retz.) Stapf (syn. Brachiaria setigera (Retz.) C.E.Hubb.) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (6) This common in my village roadside looks same as my earlier upload at – efi thread June15sk14/14 : Urochloa setigera (Retz.) Stapf, : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8) This narrow leaved grass was growing alongside the broader leaved one shown in the last image (P1150745_broad_leaf.jpg); recorded on 07-June-2015. Here spikelets are not acuminate …. it looks similar to my earlier upload Interestingly the last pic with broader leaf also doesn’t have acuminate spikelet (as can be guessed looking at the photograph, I don’t have closer one). Can you please throw some light on it? Urochloa setigera and Urochloa ramosa (the broad leaved one) Thank you very much … for the differentiating character between the two species. Next time I hope I won’t make mistake. . ID for Grass: 6 images. Date- 15 July 2023. Location- Kasal, Kudal, Sindhudurg, MH. A grass Is it Brachiaria ramosa ? Yes ! As per Bor’s GBCIP key, it is Brachiaria setigera as there are only 3 nerves on the lower glume. There are sparse bristles on the pedicels and very few bristles on the rachis and the spikelets are hairy. In case of B.ramosa, the lower glume is at least 5 nerved and there are dense bristles on the rachis as well. The species is confusing as POWO and various other images show something different from the key. Thank you so much … for the correct ID with proper explanation. Urochloa setigera syn Brachiaria setigera Can we name it as Bristly Signal Grass. Signal Grass as it belongs to Brachiaria-Urochloa group & Bristly from specific epithet highlighting hairs on rachis. . Unknown grass-2 collected from kamrup district(Metro), Assam : Attachments (9). 4 posts by 3 authors. Attached images are unknown grass collected from Kamrup district (Metro), Assam. Please ID for it.. Date :04.07.2013 Location: Kamrup district Family : Poaceae Genus & species : Unknown Habitat: Grows wild on hilly area Habit : Herb Can it be same as – /species/m—z/po/poaceae/urochloa/urochloa-setigera? Could it be Urochloa setigera (Retz.) Stapf? Looks matching Urochloa setigera ! Yes . References: POWO |
Urochloa setigera
Updated on December 24, 2024