Utricularia australis R.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. 430 1810. (Syn: Utricularia australis f. tenuicaulis (Miki) Komiya & N. Shibata; Utricularia dubia Rosell. ex Ces.; Utricularia gallaprovincialis J. Gay; Utricularia incerta Kamienski; Utricularia jankae Velen.; Utricularia japonica Makino; Utricularia mairii Cheeseman; Utricularia major Schmidel;Utricularia mutata (Döll) Leiner; Utricularia neglecta Lehm.; Utricularia pollichii F. Schulz; Utricularia protrusa Hook. f.; Utricularia sacciformis Benj.; Utricularia siakujiensis Nakajima; Utricularia siakujiensis Nakajima ex Hara; Utricularia spectabilis Madauss ex Schreiber; Utricularia tenuicaulis Miki; Utricularia vulgaris var. formosana Kuo ………);
Utricularia australis from Kashmir: Utricularia australis R.Br., Prod. Fl. Nov. Holl. 430. 1810 syn: Utricularia flexuosa auct. (non Vahl,); Clarke, FBI Aquatic suspended herb; leaves with two primary segments, further pinnately divided into filiform segments with denticulate margins; bladders ovoid, stalked, 2-3 mm long, bearing two appendages; inflorescence 3-8 flowered, on peduncle with 2-3 scales; pedicel 10-15 mm long, deflexed in fruit; calyx lobes 3-4 mm long; corolla yellow, 12-15 mm, with swelling on base; capsule 3-4 mm in diam with style half as long as fruit. Common in Kashmir valley in lakes and ponds. Photographed from artificial lake in Botanical Garden, Srinagar Kashmir. ANDEC18 Please identify this aquatic plant : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6). Ramadevarabetta, Karnataka Utricularia sp. Nice catch.. Thank you sir. When and where this image was clicked ? Do you have an image of the side view ? Utricularia plant. Village Nangal District Bijnor Uttar Pradesh Date 14 09 2020 Time 2:34 pm Attachments (1) Pl. check comparative images at Utricularia Utricularia australis R. Br. ??? Hope …, is correct, Pl. post other images showing the side view, otherwise id can not be confirmed or otherwise with the current image. Now it’s Sir Nangal district Bijnor Uttar Pradesh India Date 23 09 2020 References: |
Utricularia australis
Updated on December 24, 2024