Utricularia lazulina P. Taylor, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 93: 101 1984. ; . Common name: Lazuli Bladderwort . Herbs; rhizoids up to 15 mm long, c. 0.3 mm thick, tapering towards apex, branches 1-3 mm long, papillose; stolons up to 25 mm long, c 0.2 m thick, sparsely branched. Foliar organs 2-10 mm long, obovate to oblanceate, distributed on stolons and at base of peduncle, 3-nerved, rounded at apex. Traps 0.7-2 mm across, subglobose, subdimorphic; stalk evenly or distally thickened; mouth basal; appendages 2, subulate, simple, recurved or divergent, glandular. Racemes 3.5-12 cm long, c. 0.5 mm thick, erect; peduncle angular, grooved, winged, glabrous; scales 0.7-1.2 mm long, basifixed, ovate to lanceate, acute to acuminate at apex, nerves absent, rarely dormant buds are seen at axils; bracts 1-1.6 mm long, ovate to lanceate, acuminate, rarely acute or seen at axils; bracts 1-1.6 mm long, ovate to lanceate, acuminate, rarely acute or tridentate at apex; nerves absent or obscurely 1-nerved; bracteoles 0.75-1.2 mm long, subulate; flowers 7-11 mm long; pedicels 2-5 mm long, erect in flowers, spreading in fruit, narrowly winged. Calyx-lobes slightly unequal; upper lobe 2-3 x 1.7-2 mm, ovate, acute to acuminate at apex; lower lobes 2.4-3 x 1.2-1.8 mm, lanceate to linear-ovate, bidentate or rarely acuminate at apex. Corolla blue to violet, rarely pink; lower lip 3-6 x 1.2-2 mm, oblong, constricted at middle, ciliate along lower margin, rounded at apex; lower tip 5-8 mm across, galeate, yellow and hairy at throat, bigibbous at base, truncate or rarely emarginate at apex; spur 5-7 mm long, subulate, curved, acute at apex. Stamens 1-1.5 mm long; filaments strape-shaped, slightly curved; anther thecae distinct. Ovary ovoid, compressed; style distinct, broad; stigma 2-lipped, semiorbicular. Capsules 2-3 x 1.5-2.5 mm, ovoid, wall uniformly membranous; placenta 1-1.5 x 1-1.3 mm, ovoid, compressed; seeds 0.2-0.35 mm long, obovoid; hilum prominent, subterminal; testa reticulate, cells elongated and verrucose within. Flowering and fruiting: August-October Wet or water logging places over laterite rocks and grasslands Western Ghats (Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal) . The species is endemic to Western Ghats (Taylor 1984, Cook 1996), India and found in Karnataka (South Kanara, Mangalore, North Kanara, and Udipi District, Kollur), North Kerala, Kasaragod, and Goa (Janarthanam and Henry 1992). Earlier known from its type locality and now recorded from Goa in north to Palghat District, Kerala in the south (Janarthanam and Henry 1992).
ANAUG01/01 Utricularia lazulina P. Taylor : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) Family: Lentibulariaceae Very beautiful post …!! Looks like Utricularia lazulina, but without fruits and other characters difficult to confirm |
Utricularia lazulina
Updated on December 24, 2024