Utricularia praeterita

IUCN Red List Status: Near Threatened and Lower Risk/Near Threatened (NT)
praeterita P.Taylor, Fl. Tamilnadu Carnatic 3(1): 1120 1983. ;]
Common name: Tiny Bladderwort

It is endemic to southern India, widely distributed in five states.  However, it is a niche specific species.
It grows in seasonally wet flooded places, shallow wet soil especially over lateritic rocks and stream banks.
(From  IUCN Red List (NT) )

Foliar organs spathulate, to 10 mm long, 3-nerved. Traps subglobose, mouth basal, appendages 2, subulate. Racemes up to 15 cm long, erect; bracts basifixed. Flowers violet; calyx lobes subequal, upper lip ovate, acuminate, lower lip ovate, dentate; corolla: upper lip oblong, rounded, lower lip suborbicular, spur 5 mm long, conical, acute. Capsule ovoid; seeds ellipsoid, hilum lateral terminal, testa reticulate.

Flowering and fruiting: August-October
Peninsular India (Endemic)


Utricularia sp. for ID–07102012-PKA2: Seen this very small size Utricularia sp. on the moist- wet rocky soil near Loin’s point- Lonavala.
Herb was hardly 2 to 3 cm in height and flower was 1.5 to 2 mm in size.
Date/Time: 06-10-2012 / 09:45AM
Habitat: Wild ( moist rocky patch)
Plant habit: Herb

impressive lot of patience to find and photograph this plant
loved it… the effort and the dedication and the results

This Utricularia sp. (Family:Lentibulariaceae ) has been identified by …  as Utricularia praeterita. Thanks … for the ID.


Satara, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID – Utricularia:: ARKNOV-21 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Requesting to please provide ID of this Utricularia species captured near Satara, Maharashtra in October 2014.
The flowers were very tiny and were not easily visible to the eye.
I had posted similar flowers captured at Rajgad near Pune some time back in this thread

Pl. also see under Database Utricularia under ‎Utricularia

It is Utricularia praeterita

Thank you … for the ID.. Could … also please validate if the other post is also U. praeterita?

12-8-2015_Devaramane_Utricularia_for ID assistance. : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
Submitting images of an Utriculara sp for identification.
Date/time: 12-8-2015/ About 5-00 pm
Location: Devaramane, Mudigere, Chikmagalur, Karnataka about 1400 msl
Habitat: Wild
Habit: Herb, Occurring in rock crevices amidst grass. 

Utricularia species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) 

Beautiful pictures. But, without KEY & details I am unable to identify the species out of about 38 distributed in our country. South India has several blue, purple, pink and a mix of all 3 coloured flowers of Utricularia. Even colour vary in a given species. Whereas my experience is with only two yellow species!
However, please check probability of Utricularia praeterita P. Taylor.

I am not sure if it is mix up of two species. The base of the lower lip is not clear. Appears U. praeterita.
Would appreciate a specimen along with fruit for confirmation.

TSP19OCT2015-2: Lentibulariaceae for ID assistance. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Submitting few images of a Lentibulariaceae sp for ID assistance. Could this be an Urticularia…..??? This was occurring at some distance from Utricularia graminifolia tufts..!
Habit: Terrestrial herb.
Habitat: Evergreen forests, amidst wet rock crevices.
Sighting: Devaramane, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1400 msl
Date: 22-08-2015

It looks like Utricularia praeterita. Only thing the color is little pale – either due to over exposure or naturally white like in most of the Utricularias where blue ones break into white.


Id. Please-Utricularia praeterita?: 1 image.

Please tell me which Utricularia is this. Taken at Aambyvalley rd., Upper Lonavala Maharashtra

tiny compared to other Utricularia sp. in same habit.

Yes !

Pl. post the complete plant with habit and habitat pl. for proper id.


Id. Please-Utricularia praeterita?: 1 image.

Please tell me which Utricularia is this. Taken at Aambyvalley rd., Upper Lonavala Maharashtra

tiny compared to other Utricularia sp. in same habit.

Yes !

Pl. post the complete plant with habit and habitat pl. for proper id.

Taken today (17.9.21). Amongst others this was the tiniest among eriocaulon.
3 CR2 images

Utricularia for identification: 3 CR2 images.
Please help in identification. Taken at Aambyvalley rd., Upper Lonavala Maharashtra in September 21.
PS:I have opened a new thread as my messages to the original thread was getting the message “ to long” Please cancel the old thread

This appears close to images at Utricularia praeterita P.Taylor


Devgad, Kokan, MH :: Utricularia-3 for ID :: ARK2021-064: 4 images.

There were many types of Utricularia growing on the lateritic plateau near Devgad, coastal Kokan, MH in Aug 2021.
Am not sure whether the first 2 are the same as the last 2. Is it possible to ID.

Requesting to please validate.

Utricularia arcuata Wight ??

1st and 3rd appears to be closer to Utricularia graminifolia Vahl 

2nd and 4 th may be Utricularia praeterita P.Taylor  though details are not clear.

All are U. praeterita, its also polymorphic species like that of U. graminifolia


Updated on December 24, 2024

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