Utricularia striatula

Striped Bladderwort • Marathi: चिरॆपापणी Chire-papni;
Here is one minute (here only 4cm tall) terrestrial herb Utricularia striatula which grows with mosses and liverworts on moist steep slopes. At the base of flowering scape rounded leaves are present. Below these are minute creeping branches bearing characteristic bladders;
Outer edges are pink like fingers with white patch in between and at the center yellow spot;
This Utricularia striatula Smith (Lentibulariaceae) is a tiny plant reaching to a height of only 3 cm. It grows along with mosses on moist rock faces with dripping water in shady conditions or on tree trunks. Basal part of the inflorescence axis produces few creeping branches-stolons, which bear small insect trapping devices evolved by this genus during evolution. These traps are named variously- urceoli, ampullae, vesiculae, utriculae, pitchers, bladders etc. The traps shown here are hardly 1-1.5 mm large with a mouth (orifice) encircled by many appendages (hair like structure).
True leaves are absent in Utricularia and green photosynthetic organs are referred as foliar organs which are present at the base of inflorescence axis or on stolons here.
In vegetative state U.striatula is very difficult to differentiate due to small size and only becomes noticeable when flowers appear on erect 2-3cm tall inflorescence axis. Flowers are comparatively larger being 7-10 mm including spur and colourful.

A TINY INSECT EATER : Attachments (4). 12 posts by 11 authors.
Bladdertworts or Utricularias are insectivorous plants; no matter how small are they. This Utricularia striatula Smith (Lentibulariaceae) is a tiny plant reaching to a height of only 3 cm. It grows along with mosses on moist rock faces with dripping water in shady conditions or on tree trunks. Basal part of the inflorescence axis produces few creeping branches-stolons, which bear small insect trapping devices evolved by this genus during evolution. These traps are named variously- urceoli, ampullae, vesiculae, utriculae, pitchers, bladders etc. The traps shown here are hardly 1-1.5 mm large with a mouth (orifice) encircled by many appendages (hair like structure).
True leaves are absent in Utricularia and green photosynthetic organs are referred as foliar organs which are present at the base of inflorescence axis or on stolons here.
In vegetative state U.striatula is very difficult to differentiate due to small size and only becomes noticeable when flowers appear on erect 2-3cm tall inflorescence axis. Flowers are comparatively larger being 7-10 mm including spur and colourful.
This species is widespread in India and reaches to Tropical Africa to Malesia, China and Sri Lanka.
35 species of Utricularia are reported by M.K.Janarthanam and A.N.Henry in their fine document “Bladderworts of India” published by Botanical Survey of India in 1992. It was this document and help of these authors which enabled me to identify my specimens as U.brachiata Olive in 1999, a very rare Himalayan terrestrial bladderwort and was a new record to Western Himalaya.
Photographs shot near Jeolikot on way to Naini Tal in August 2013.
With so minute bladders and even smaller mouth how much small insect will it trap and digest? Whatever it may eat, it is happy and flourishing in its habitats.

Another image of this plant.

Marvellous presentation … with plenty of information..

What an interesting plant….nicely illustrated.

Thank you all for liking and appreciating it. The image by … seems quite robust plant, here it is thin and slender.

Thanks for the captioned and illustrative photographs. Very useful for a layman. Hope there will be many more such lucid illustrations.

id requested 20110730 IRUPPU KODAGU:
these minute plants were in flower
on rocksurface near Iruppur Falls, Kodagu. Requesting for id.

sp of Utricularia may be U. purpurascens but not very sure

It is Utricularia striatula of Lentibulariaceae family. I think the common English name of this plant is Striped Bladderwort. This plant grows on rocks and tree trunks as well. Only during monsoon this tiny beauty is alive!
Plants of this genus are insectivorous! You can see the bladders at the nodal region of the stem.

I am herewith sendind an add of RGNf and MANF
please go through and apply those who are applicable.


Utricularia striatula:
Utricularia striatula
Family : Lentibulariaceae
A small insectivorous herb 5 cm total height.
Observed growing on wet surface on the stem of Terminalia elliptica (Ain)
Mulshi (Western ghats) Near Pune. Maharashtra. 31 Jul2011.

Flora of Kaiga_ID_Please_10082011 PJ1:
Flora of Kaiga_ID_Please_10082011 PJ1.
Commonly grow on all wild trees in jungle as well as in our Township.

Date/Time-:09/08/11   –    08:30
Location- Place, Altitude – Kaiga , Uttar Kannada ,Karnataka, 380 mtrs
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-   wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Herb/Climber
Height/Length- 1.5cm

Beautiful picture! of Utricularia striatula.

ID please…2:
last Sunday, visited Kas platue. Rained heavily with gusty winds. Observed one piculat flowers on rocky patch near water fall, on the way to kas planes.
Outer edges are pink like fingers with white patch inbetween and at the center yellow spot. Small as little finger nail, shy but beautiful.

It is indeed Utricularia striatula.
Due to heavy rains and moist humid weather, It is commonly observed all over western ghats at present.
I observed it near Mulshi last 2 sundays growing on wet barks of many trees.


Kas week : Utricularia sriatula SMP:
Utricularia sriatula

Observed growing on wet rocks.

Read as: Utricularia striatula Sm.


Gori Valley Tour 2012: Utricularia striatula for validation:
This was found from a wet locality in the area.. I hope this is Utricularia striatula.. Lentibulariaceae.

Yes …


Another insectivorous herb Utricularia striatula from Western Himalaya:
In the family Lentibulariaceae, Utricularia is largest genus in India. Some of the species of Bladderworts (Utricularia) are aquatic in nature while some are terrestrial in nature.
Here is one minute (here only 4cm tall) terrestrial herb Utricularia striatula which grows with mosses and liverworts on moist steep slopes. At the base of flowering scape rounded leaves are present. Below these are minute creeping branches bearing characteristic bladders. Photographed in rainy season near Naini Tal.

Nice to see this. We could find this plant during our recent Munsiyari visit



Utricularia striatula :  Attachments (4). 1 post by 1 author.
Seen this small insectivorous herb growing on wet rocks and tree trunks in Irshalgad region (Maharashtra).
Bot. name: Utricularia striatula
Family: Lentibulariaceae
Date/Time: 03-08-2013 / 03:20PM



Impatiens from Coorg – TQ-coorg-1 : Attachments (2). 4 posts by 3 authors.

Impatiens species found in Coorg, Karnataka.
Flowers are as small as Impatiens minor.
Please identify

It is Utricularia striatula

Oh my god! Thats why I was wondering why it is looking so familiar! 🙂 Thanks a lot!

Yes Utricularia striatula. Very commonly seen in all over Western ghats presently (17.8.13).



Requesting ID of this Utricularia – Lohagad : 25082013 : ARK-02 : August 2013 Attachments (5). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Requesting to please ID this plant captured at Lohagad near Pune in August 2013.
Is this Utricularia striatula??

Yes Utricularia striatula.

Utricularia striatula :  Attachments (2). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Utricularia striatula
At Kusur platue en-rout Bhimashankar
16 Aug,2013

Please identify : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1).
photographed near a village in Sirsi, Hubli, Karnataka. on the tree trunk.

Utricularia striatula

TSPOCT2015-34:Images of Utricularia stiatula shared : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)

It is my pleasure to share a few images of Utricularia striatula (Lentibulariaceae) 

Habit: Epiphytic,Lithophytic herb

Habitat: Evergreen forests occurring on moss clad tree trunks and rock crevices 
Sighting: Devaramane, Chikmagalur and Vanagoor, Sakaleshpur, Karnataka, about 1400msl and 1200 msl respectively.
Date: 17-08-2015 and 11-09-2015

Thanks for sharing. This is a widespread species.

such beautiful flowers in a plant that is carnivorous. go figure. i can not imagine how does this plant eat insects???

There are traps radiating from the base on the ground (not discernible in the photographs) which catch the insects.

googling for traps i found this at the number one in the google find page. our own shrikant has sent in one in 2009, before my time. its a beautiful picture. shows the “bladders” of this bladderwort. but its a static picture. so …. i also found a utube that shows a generic  aquatic bladderwort. bladder catching insects. may be this bladderwort in this thread has a similar mechanism. thanks for tellimg me and … for showing it

For your elaborate search and information. So far as I know, the bladders can also be termed as traps

Utricularia striatula : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Enclosing some pictures of U.striatula shot today at Sundarijal Nepal at 2300 m.

Utricularia striatula Sm. from : 
Location: Kathandu, Nepal
Altitude: 4400 ft.
Date: 31 August 2013 
Attachments (2)

Plant ID confirmation. : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Hello, am confused with this annual specimen. Having spur. Total 5 cm plant on wet rocky surface. Is this Impatiens?? Kindly help with proper ID some distinguishable characters.

I think yes. Pl. check comparative images at efi site.

Utricularia striatula Sm. [Lentibulariaceae].

Utricularia striatula J. E. Smith : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) – around 500 kb each.
Location:  Shivapuri National Park,Nepal 
Date: 25 August 2018
Elevation:7000 ft.
Habit : Wild

Location: Okharpauwa, Nuwakot, Nepal
Altitude:  5500 ft.
Date: 13 September 2018
Habit : Wild 
Slight different than the earlier post.
Attachments (9) – around 200 kb each.

Utricularia striatula—for sharing : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
pics taken at Aambyvalley Rd., Off Lonavala, Pune in Aug.17


Utricularia striatula J. E. Smith : 6 posts by 1 author. 6 images- 4 to 7 mb each.

Location: Sundarijal, Kathmandu
Date: 07 August 2020
Elevation: 2192 m.
Habit : Wild


98 ID wild plant, flowering fern: 21 images.

Please ID wild plant,
Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671
Flower date: 01.07.2021, 11.00am
Altitude: 1400fsl
Habitat: wild, moisture, filtered sunlight, rooted on a gate pillar, only four plants here, very rare
Plant habit: flowering fern? Erect, so nice stem diameter less than 1mm, rooted on a wet pillar, annually but appeared every year when starts raining
Height: 05cm
Leaves: circular, green, nice, size:4×4m
Flower: diameter:3mm, white with yellow spot, non fragrant, opened for five days
Camera: mobile LG K10 2017 13mp +macro lens

Utricularia striatula

Utricularia striatula J. E. Smith ??

Yes it’s …

A correction- Camera: Samsung A21s


Utricularia striatula J. E. Smith: 4 very high res. images.
Location: Dailekh, West Nepal
Altitude: 2230m.
Date: 12 August 2021
Habit : Wild


Utricularia striatula J. E. Smith: 5 very high res. images.

Location: Kalikot, West Nepal
Altitude: 1696m.
Date: 15 August 2021
Habit : Wild


Utricularia for ID from Mullayanagiri Bababudangiri Road-GS24022022-2: 5 high res. images.
Utricularia for ID, photographed from Mullayanagiri Bababudangiri Road. Karnataka, 26-9-2015

Utricularia striatula J. E. Smith


Is it Utricularia striatula ?:

Botanical name : Utricularia striatula
Family: Lentibulariaceae
Place of image taken: Upper Samdong, East Sikkim. Sikkim,
Date: July 2022 




Updated on December 24, 2024

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