Vachellia planifrons ?



21082017BHAR2 : 14 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2)
Found in Vandalur forest. Chennai.

Check for Acacia leucopholea.

Thanks for your reply.
The leaves of Acacia leucopholea are bigger than mine.
Anyhow looks related. I will check with  the genus. 

Similar doubts were nagging me. 

Good suggestion by … However, it is difficult to decide from these faint images devoid of flowers or fruits whether this should be Vachellia leucophloea or V. planifrons.

…,  Sorry for the faint images.
It’s looking good for me in my mobile.
Any how I will try switch to a SLR camera. Mostly I submit flowers or fruits with leaves.Sorry this time only leaves.
But experts like you just find from the leaves itself.

Vachellia leocophloea bears 10-25 pairs leaflets per pinna and the leaflets are linear-oblong sessile, 2-5 mm in length and the inflorescences (Heads) are arranged in elongated terminal panicles whereas V. planifrons will have 5-20 pairs of leaflets per pinna  and the leaflets are also linear-oblong, sessile, 1-3 mm long but here the inflorescences (Heads) are axillary and 2-3-together.  Both the species occurring in Tamil Nadu and in absence of flowers and fruits you can think of the latter, i. e. V. planifrons considering the size of the leaflets.
Nothing more to say with the present images.

In Acacia we need to have details of pubescence, if any, and nature of the foliar glands and venation of leaflets to identify a sterile material which are not discernible here and therefore I remarked the images as “faint” without any intention of hurting your feelings. 

I think the species is: Dichrostachys cinerea

This is not Dichrostachys cineraria. A species of Acacia. Pl send close up of the  plant clearly showing the leaflets arrangements and spine for proper ID.

I agree with …

Updated on December 24, 2024

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