Vallisneria spiralis

Afghanistan; Algeria; Assam; Bangladesh; Belgium; Botswana; Bulgaria; Burundi; Cameroon; Caprivi Strip; Central African Repu; Chad; Congo; Czechoslovakia; Egypt; Equatorial Guinea; Ethiopia; France; Germany; Ghana; Great Britain; Greece; Hungary; India; Iran; Iraq; Italy; Kazakhstan; Kenya; Kirgizstan; KwaZulu-Natal; Lebanon-Syria; Malawi; Mali; Mauritius; Mozambique; Myanmar; Namibia; Netherlands; Nigeria; North Caucasus; Pakistan; Palestine; Portugal; Romania; Runion; Rwanda; Senegal; Sierra Leone; South European Russi; Spain; Sudan; Switzerland; Tadzhikistan; Tanzania; Thailand; Turkey; Turkey-in-Europe; Turkmenistan; Uganda; Ukraine; Uzbekistan; West Himalaya; Yugoslavia; Zambia; Zare; Zimbabwe as per Catalogue of Life;

Vallisneria spiralis, also known as Straight Vallisneria, Tape grass, or Eel grass is a common aquarium plant that prefers good light and a nutrient rich substrate. In the wild, it can be found in tropical and sub-tropical regions worldwide.

It has narrow, linear leaves that range in colour from a pale-green to reddish up to 3 feet (1 m) long and up to 0.75 inches broad. V. spiralis is monoecious with flowers carried on long spiral stalks that break away from the plant and float on the water’s surface. Seeds have not been observed germinating in aquaria. Instead, it most often propagates by runners which can lead to dense stands.
V. spiralis is an “unwanted organism” in New Zealand.[1] It is listed on the National Pest Plant Accord prohibiting it from sale and commercial propagation and distribution.
(From Wikipedia on 17.5.14)

It is found in estuarine habitats, lakes, rivers, waterlogged swamps with open water, man-made reservoirs, and irrigation channels. It thrives in streams but is seldom present in fast waters.

ID Requested.. : 4 posts by 3 authors.
This plant was spotted in an irrigation canal in Durgapur, WB.

I can see spiral peduncle at the bottom right corner… maybe a Vallisneria species. Was there more than a single plant?

Linear Leaves are Vallisneria spiralis L. mixed with Potamogeton crispus L. floating over it


Hydrilla sp. ? ID Confirmation requested : 2 posts by 2 authors.
This weed was found in an irrigation canal in Durgapur, WB (near Durgapur Barrage).

A reply from … from another thread:
“Linear Leaves are Vallisneria spiralis L. mixed with Potamogeton crispus L. floating over it.”

Submersed aquatic plant for ID :: MK 2017 Jan-03 : 9 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
Please help me in identifying this Submersed aquatic plant. Flowers are minute (ca.2 mm across) with spongy 3-tepals. Could this be a Vallisneria sp.?

Date: 27 Dec 2016

Place: Guntur Dist., AP
Alt.: 125 m asl
Habitat: freshwater canal

attaching more pictures of the plant
Attachments (5)

This is Vallisneria spiralis. Please check author citation.

Please be carefull about taking photographs of submerged plants. Please note that if the tip of the basal rosette leaf  is pointed the species may be of Blyxa. But here the leaf tip is mre or less rounded. This is possibly Vallisneria spiralis.

Thank you …, I will make careful observations next time I visit the field.

Nepali Name : फुल्के कमल  Phulke Kamal

Updated on December 24, 2024

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