Verbesina encelioides (Cav.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex A.Gray, 350 1876. (Syn: Verbesina australis Baker; Verbesina encelioides subsp. exauriculata (B.L.Rob. & Greenm.) J.R.Coleman; Verbesina microptera (DC.) Herter; Verbesina scabra Benth.; Verbesina scabra Phil. [Illegitimate]; Ximenesia encelioides Cav.; Ximenesia encelioides var. exauriculata (B.L.Rob. & Greenm.) F.C.Gates; Ximenesia microptera DC.); . Golden crownbeard, cowpen daisy, butter daisy, American dogweed, golden crown-beard or South African daisy; . 16042011GS1 from near Panchkula for ID: The herb about 80-120 cm tall, alternate, ovate-oblong leaves, somewhat lobed, hastate at base, up to 15 cm long; heads radiate, yellow about 6-9 cm across. Could it be Gaillardia x grandiflora ‘Mesa Yellow’ having run wild? , or some thing else! or some some species of Vicoa or Pulicaria. Was found in an open wasteland along roadside, near Panchkula, photographed on April 9, 2011. While discussing a plant uploaded by … from upper Chamba, the name Verbesina come up suugested by … While searching upon Verbesina on the net, I stumbled upon name Verbesina encelioides for my above plant. This species has been been reported from few places in India. Kindly provide your views Agree to your Id Sir Here are some leads wnmu.jpg Yes sir matching very well I photographed dis asteraceae member in wild, at Jaipur. Dated- 06.11.11. Plz Identify / confirm. It looks lik Verbesina encelioides / Golden Crownbeard. Plant was almost 2 n half feet tall and Leaf margins were toothed. I think yes, here is mine from Near Panchkula
Flora of Haryana: Verbesina encelioides from Wasteland near Jindal School Hisar: Verbesina encelioides from Wasteland near Jindal School Hisar. Growing wild there may be escape from school campus pls validate Yes … Remember the place. Thanks for uploading. These Asteraceae are so difficult to identify(For me). In general all look like Sun flowers to me. Good suggestion …, Even H annus has been observed as escape by me at some places I was going to say garden escapee as soon as I saw the pics… thanks … for confirming it… Yes This was a Garden Escape plant ID: Could someone ID the attached plants for me? The pictures were taken in the unkempt yard of Rajput School, Chopasni (Rajasthan) in November. The first flower to me is Verebesina enceloides and the second can be Hyoscyamus albus, both can be propagated by seeds well. Second one is a henbane… and first one reminds me of the asters of autumn…
Yes … Nice photographs.
Herb for ID, Rajasthan NAW-JUN15-01 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Should be Verbesina encelioides… if … diagnosis true then this should be paid attention by the government and eradicate it.. its an allelopathic weed from the middle east.. is there anybody from forest or ecology dept from rajastthan that looks after such things? please help me identify the plant with grayish leaves, growing wild, with bright yellow flowers. Verbesina encelioides . Identification request- Gangapur City, Rajasthan: 2 high res. images. Segregating clubbed posts due to same subject: Habitat:- Outer road side herb Loc- Gangapur City, Rajasthan Date:- 22/07/2021 Maybe Verbesina enceloides. It is Verbesina encelioides (Cav.) Benth. & Hook. Please check Verbesina encelioides common Westeland weed in Rajasthan (290309SCS2) – Mexican Sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia) : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) I doubt it to be Tithonia diversifolia. See the link for it: Thank you. Before posting the pic, I was searching the net for this spc. Tthe leaves on the net looked different from the one I saw. But, Isaac Kehimkar’s Common Indian Wild Flowers (page 68, serial No. 102) depicts it ditto. Comments from experts welcome. Cosmos sp.?? Looks different as per Coreopsis? It is different . I will post the photos of Tithonia diversifolia in my garden in due course. Photos attached h/w. But leaves do not match as per Coreopsis Verbesina encelioides (Cav.) Benth. & Hook.fil. ex A.Gray Yes, you are right as per images at / References: |
Verbesina encelioides
Updated on December 24, 2024