Veronica ‘Paula’ ?

France, July 2022 :: Hebe cultivar for ID :: ARK2022-089: 4 high res. images.
This was clicked at the Eze Botanical Garden near Nice, France in July 2022.
An FB group suggested a Hebe cultivar.
Requested to provide ID.
Eze Botanical Gardens is situated on the French riviera (on the Mediterranean coast) and houses a host of succulent plants and xerophytes from all the continents.

Leaves do not look correct to be Hebe buxifolia Patty Purple.

Hebe are hard  so many named cultivars…flowers look so similar.
Size of the shrub comes into the equation.
As does the stem colour.
Need a Hebe expert.

What about Veronica ‘Paula’ ?

Yes …, it does look like Veronica ‘Paula’.
We could keep it at that for now.

Updated on December 23, 2024

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