Viburnum species ?- Botanical Garden parking, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir

458 ID climber: 2 high res. images.
Please ID climber,
Location: bloomed in The HIMALAYAS at Botanical Garden parking area Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir INDIA
Altitude: 8200fsl
Flower date: 14APR2023, 12.10pm
Habitat: moisture
Plant habit: climbing, branches, perennial
Height: 03 meters
Leaves: alternate, elliptic, acute, serrated margins
Flower: axillary orbicular inflorescence, clustered racemose, diameter:03mm, green
Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

Very nice ! Green oloured flowers !!!   Very very rare.

Thank you very much for your nice words.
The plant having wild nature, climbed and growing densely in a small area on the roof top of a temporary shop.

Could be a cultivated sp.

I think it is unusual.

I think

No matching with petals.
It’s leaves and flowers are growing densily only in an area of one square meter upto roof level, not trailing to roof and steam was visible as free without any leaves or flowers or branches.  Sharing screenshot of gmap, plant growing in one of the spotted area, very easy to find out.

Pl. see images at
For ID 250509 ET 101
ID plant
Hydrangea macrophylla (Thunb.) Seringe ??
Or may some other species of Hydrangea? Not sure.
That is what I could suggest based on these images.

Not matching in any way with my plant.  It is very easy to spotting with Google map screenshot provided.

Also see discussions at Regarding request for ID #458

I am sure the leaves are lobed.


Regarding request for ID #458: 2 images.
Can it may be a Viburnum sps?

Please check Viburnum opulus ‘Roseum’ !

Yes, it is Viburnum opulus ‘Roseum’ dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant

Yes, Viburnum is possible. But difficult to say about the species in the absence of leaves.
Viburnum macrocephalum is another possibility.
Pl. see


Updated on December 23, 2024

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