Vicia sativa subsp. nigra (L.) Ehrh. (syn: Vicia angustifolia L.; Vicia angustifolia subsp. angustifolia L.; Vicia angustifolia subsp. pusilla Boiss.; Vicia angustifolia var. segetalis (Thuill.) Arcang.; Vicia angustifolia subsp. segetalis (Thuill.) Arcang.; Vicia angustifolia var. uncinata (Desv.) Rouy; Vicia bobartii E.Forst.; Vicia bobartii Koch; Vicia canadensis Zuccagni; Vicia cuneata Guss.; Vicia debilis Perez Lara; Vicia heterophylla C.Presl; Vicia lanciformis Lange; Vicia maculata C.Presl; Vicia pilosa M.Bieb.; Vicia sativa var. angustifolia (L.) Wahlb. ………………; Vicia segatalis Thuill.; Vicia segetalis Thuill.);
Common Vetch;
No range given in India as per ILDIS;
Native to northern and eastern Africa, Europe, the Arabian Peninsula, western Asia, Russia, Mongolia, China and the Indian Sub-continent as per lucidcentral;
Kashmir & Eurasia as per Flowers of India;
Rajasthan as per IBIS Flora;
Annual herb with pinnate leaves and terminal tendril, leaflets linear-lanceolate; flowers purple in axillary clusters on short peduncles; pod up to 6 cm long, flat.
. Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week: Vicia sativa L. subsp. nigra from Kashmir:
Vicia sativa L. subsp. nigra (L.) Ehrh., Hannover. Mag. (15):229. 1780 syn: Vicia angustifolia L. Annual herb with pinnate leaves and terminal tendril, leaflets linear-lanceolate; flowers purple in axillary clusters on short peduncles; pod up to 6 cm long, flat.
Photographed from Kashmir, often a weed on roadsides and fields.
Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week: Vicia sativa L. from Lohari Panipat: Same plant just posted earlier to this by … … pls through light on Matter
Both yours and mines are same or different. Vicia sativa L. subsp. nigra (L.) Ehrh., Hannover. Mag. (15):229. 1780 syn: Vicia angustifolia L. not reported from Haryana. Whereas Vicia sativa L. reported Yes … They are same Thanks Sir then i have to make correction in flora of Haryana also . Vicia sativa subsp. nigra from Kashmir – efloraofindia | Google Groups : . 200312::Merrut::Sl. No.-2: Location- Place- Merrut, Uttar Pradesh Habitat- Wild Plant Habit- shrub Link- Vicia angustifolia Is it Vicia angustifolia L. (syn. of Vicia sativa subsp. nigra (L.) Ehrh.) or Vicia angustifolia L. ex Reichard as per The Plant list: ? To me it looks that Vicia sativa subsp. nigra (L.) Ehrh be used as The Plant List seems to be more confused as it is in most other cases. Under the accepted names it cites the synonyms where Reichard is missing.
Jan2015sk04 – Vicia sativa subsp. nigra (L) Ehrh. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (8) . Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight: Vicia sativa L. subsp. nigra from Kashmir-GSOCT85/90 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Vicia sativa L. subsp. nigra (L.) Ehrh., Hannover. Mag. (15):229. 1780 syn: Vicia angustifolia L. Annual herb with pinnate leaves and terminal tendril, leaflets linear-lanceolate; flowers purple in axillary clusters on short peduncles; pod up to 6 cm long, flat.
Photographed from Kashmir, often a weed on roadsides and fields. Vicia angustifolia L. ??? : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)
Location: Kagbeni, Mustang, Nepal
Date: 9 April 2017
Altitude: 9500 ft.
I think as per keys in Flora of China, it should be Vicia sativa subsp. nigra (syn. Vicia angustifolia L.) as per comparative images at Vicia SK1004 11 MAR-2018 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Location: Tigerland, Chitwan, India
Altitude: 600 ft.
Date: 13 January 2013
Habit: Wild
Vicia sativa L. ??
Vicia sativa subsp. nigra (L.) Ehrh. ???
Pl. check the distribution. May be Vicia sativa subsp. nigra (L.) Ehrh. as Vicia angustifolia L. is its synonym as per the following:
. References:
Vicia sativa subsp. nigra
Updated on December 24, 2024