Vigna khandalensis

India (N); Gujarat ; Karnataka ; Maharashtra; Tamil Nadu as per ILDIS;



for id please Kass_SSN – indiantreepix | Google Groups : at Kass, Satara, Maharashtra- June 2008;

images & identification by Dr. Satish Phadke 

Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week : Shrubs/Herbs : Vigna khandalensis: Vigna khandalensis
The only Vigna species which is not a climber.
Observed on way to Mahabaleshwar in Pasarani ghat section.
Large shrub. Lobed leaves.

Seen this herb at “Panchgani— en-route Mahabaleshwar”.
Bot. name: Vigna khandalensis (Santapau) Sundararagh. & Wadhw
Family: Leguminosae (Fabaceae)
Local name: Badmung
Plant Habit: Herb, 50-100cm tall; stem stout (perhaps only herb among the Vigna sp. in western ghats),
Habitat: Wild, in grasslands in hills. 




ID Please KHWS- : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) – 1 MB each.

Collection: Kalsubai-Harishchandragad wildlife sanctuary

Habitat: Forest
Collection: March 2017 
Fresh plant August 2017
Collected By: Mahendra Khyade

These plants seem to be Vigna khandalensis. The foliaceous stipules are evident in the second image on which the identity is based. The leaflets are normally lobed.
The herbs are in vegetative state. Nevertheless the stipules help in confirming the identity.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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