Vigna yadavii S.P. Gaikwad, R.D. Gore, S.D. Randive & K.U. Garad, Biodivers. Data J. 2-e4281: 2 (2014); .
Thanks, …, for posting Vigna yadavii. Published in 2014 as per Vigna yadavii (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae), a new species from Western Ghats, India– Sayajirao P. Gaikwad , Ramchandra D. Gore , Sonali D. Randive, Krushnadeoray U. Garad- December 2014 Biodiversity Data Journal 2(2):e4281. Please check underground flowers Yes there were underground flowers
. New species of genus Vigna ……… : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1)- pdf of the publication Congrats …, many thanks for sharing the paper.. nice drawings. did you make them yourself? yes nice drawings. seems all botanists or at least most botanists love to do their plant’s line drawings, so that the diagnostic features can be presented the best … Our … does well, you must have seen his bw drawings…. Thank You for best compliments, the drawings are made by me (self). . Fwd: New species of Vigna …… : 2 posts by 2 authors. I am very happy to announce that recently our new species published in BIODIVERSITY DATA JOURNAL (UK, London) and this is a new year gift for you. Happy New Year 2015. for downloading research paper visit: Thank you for constant support. Congrats, …, for the wonderful work.
. References: Vigna yadavii (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae), a new species from Western Ghats, India– Biodiversity Data Journal 2: e4281 doi: 10.3897/BDJ.2.e4281 (2014) (Abstract: A new species of Vigna Savi, subgenus Ceratotropis (Piper) Verdc., Vigna yadavii S.P. Gaikwad, R.D. Gore, S.D. Randive & K.U. Garad, sp. nov. is described and illustrated here. It is morphologically close to Vigna dalzelliana (Kuntze) Verdc. but differs in its underground obligate cleistogamous flowers on positively geotropic branches, hairy calyx, small corolla, linear style beak and dimorphic seeds with shiny seed coat.) |
Vigna yadavii
Updated on December 24, 2024