Vijayasankar Raman: Best Flora Photograph to celebrate 15 years of completion of efloraofindia on 17.6.22

Best Flora Photograph : Vijayasankar Raman : 2022:
Huernia zebrina (Lifesaver plant, Doughnut flower) of Apocynaceae is my entry for the Best Flora Photograph contest to celebrate 15 years of efloraofindia.

I chose this picture because of the unique beauty of the flower. It has a prominent shiny central ring called the annulus, appearing like a doughnut, a popular delicacy in the USA and many other countries. This rare and interesting plant is native to Africa and is considered a famine food. Several hybrids are widely grown as ornamentals.

Vijayasankar Ji,
International Biodiversity  Day
also the 15 years of efloraofindia.

Thanks, Vijayasankar ji, for the beautiful composition.
So aptly described.

Wow, so wonderful, Vijayasankar ji.
Many thanks for sharing.

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Posted it in the efloraofindia Facebook page.
Pl. give it wide publicity in Social media, by posting it in your profile/ groups/ Instagram etc.

amazing beauty

The flower is really amazing…!!
Thanks Vijayasankar Ji for sharing..

Simply superb Vijayasankar ji.

I am sure, no one would like to eat a donut with this smell.
Very beautiful image.
Imagine why this is called lifesaver plant!

Vijayasankar Ji,
As usual, superb clarity and beautifully captured.

…, this plant is said to be used as a food during famines, saving lives, thus got its name. I think this would apply to other edible succulents that would survive severe droughts as well.
Who would bother about the smell of the food when starving to near death, but I guess the juicy and crunchy stems won’t smell that bad 😉

No, I am sure they do not eat the donuts but the stem 🙂

I understand what you mean!
In South east Asia, they use plants like Padaeria foetida and even Passiflora foetida, so you are right, but after boiling all that smell goes off…almost all!!

Updated on December 23, 2024

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