Vinca minor L., Sp. Pl. 209 1753. (Syn: Pervinca heterophyla Raf.; Pervinca minor (L.) Garsault [Invalid]; Pervinca procumbens Gilib.; Pervinca repens Raf.; Vinca acutiflora Bertol. ex W.D.J.Koch; Vinca ellipticifolia Stokes; Vinca humilis Salisb.; Vinca intermedia Tausch; Vinca minor var. intermedia (Tausch) Nyman; Vinca minor var. sabinka H.Scholz); . Keys at Flora of China; . Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Hungary, Romania, Poland, England (introduced), Denmark (introduced), Ireland (introduced), Norway (introduced), Sweden (introduced), Estonia (introduced), Latvia (introduced), Lithuania (introduced), C-European Russia, Belarus (introduced), Ukraine, Crimea, Portugal, Spain, France, Corsica, Sicily, Italy, former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria (introduced), Northern Caucasus, Transcaucasus, Kazakhstan, China (introduced) (Jiangsu (introduced)), Tajikistan (introduced), Madagascar (introduced), Panama (introduced), Mexico (introduced), USA (introduced) (Alabama (introduced), Arkansas (introduced), Arizona (introduced), Connecticut (introduced), District of Columbia (introduced), Delaware (introduced), Florida (introduced), Georgia (introduced), Iowa (introduced), Illinois (introduced), Indiana (introduced), Kansas (introduced), Kentucky (introduced), Louisiana (introduced), Massachusetts (introduced), Maryland (introduced), Maine (introduced), Michigan (introduced), Minnesota (introduced), Missouri (introduced), Mississippi (introduced), Montana (introduced), North Carolina (introduced), Nebraska (introduced), New Hampshire (introduced), New Jersey (introduced), New York (introduced), Ohio (introduced), Oregon (introduced), Pennsylvania (introduced), Rhode Island (introduced), South Carolina (introduced), Tennessee (introduced), Texas (introduced), Utah (introduced), Virginia (introduced), Vermont (introduced), Washington State (introduced), Wisconsin (introduced), West Virginia (introduced)), Canada (introduced) (British Columbia (introduced), New Brunswick (introduced), Nova Scotia (introduced), Ontario (introduced), Quebec (introduced)) as per Catalogue of Life; . Vinca major and V. minor – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6) A few months back there was a lot of discussion on this group and some confusion primarily because of representation of the two species at FOI. Whereas the specimens of V. major are not typical of the species, the true specimens of V. major are depicted under V. minor. I have collected a lot of V. major in Kashmir, Manali and other hill stations. The plant is much lax with trailing branches reaching several metres, leaves which are usually ovate, almost as broad as long, truncate or cordate at base, flowers nearly 1.5-2 cm across borne on almost 3-5 cm long stalks. The leaf margins and calyx lobes are ciliate. I could not find V. minor in India but was lucky to find it growing in California here. The plant is with shorter branches, smaller nearly elliptic-oblong leaves which are narrowed at both ends, smaller flowers nearly 2.5 cm across on nearly 1-2 cm long stalks. Leaf margins and calyx lobes are glabrous. I am uploading both V. major from Manali and V. minor from California to show better comparison so that V. minor could be searched in India and brought to our databases. I am posting pictures which I have. Attachments (3). The first two I believe to be of Vinca minor. I have put a cropped picture showing leaf margin, which is supposed to be hairless in Vinca minor. You have to see the two growing in nature to appreciate the differences. I believe your first two specimens are V. major and third V. probably V.minor (though not typical). Found V. major also in California. Attaching leaf margin blow up to highlight differences between the two species. The flower size of V. major is almost twice (nearly 5 cm diam.) as compared to V. minor. Attachments (2) Having found more of Vinca major as well as Vinca minor in California here. I find the following clear differences: Vinca major Vinca minor 1. Plants loosely spreading on ground with longer internodes Plants compactly spreading on ground with shorter internodes 2. Leaves broadly ovate, 5-9 cm long, 3/4 to as broad Leaves elliptic to oblong, 2-4 cm long, about 1/2 as broad 3. Leaf base truncate or subcordate, margin minutely ciliate Leaf base rounded or cuneate, margin not ciliate 4. Pedicel 3-5 cm long Pedicel 1-2 cm long 5. Flower 3-5 cm in diam Flower 2.5-3 cm in diam. I am attaching more photographs from California. Attachments (8)
Vinca for Botanical ID – 070711-RK-1: 1 image. Request ID. Pic taken on 5th March 2011 Los Altos,California Garden – ground cover V.low creeper ? Shrub-like? Flower size – around 1″ Rather Vinca minor, pl see leaf shape Pics taken Los Altos,California – March 2011 Request Common & Bot ID This is Vinca minor and not V. major. Kindly note narrower, non-cordate leaves. shorter internodes. It is very commonly grown private houses and roadsides in California. yes, v. minor… a popular ground cover, requiring very little care… Vinca minor: Yes …. I had also posted same from California. yes, this even survives ice and snow… and comes back year after year in NY and connecticut.. gardens… Requesting to please ID this Vincas captured at different places during my US trip in May 2013. Based on … recent feedback, I think all except ‘Vinca minor_Michigan2.jpg’ is Vinca minor. Could you please confirm? I think all are Vinca minor. I have also observed many such plants planted in flowerbeds in California Yes Vinca minor . SK 3347 10 March 2022: 6 very high res. images. Location: Langton Garden, Romford, UK Altitude: 15 m. Date: 26 February 2022 Habit : Cultivated Vinca minor. Yes ID looks correct ! . SK 3349 10 March 2022: 4 very high res. images. Location: Langton Garden, Romford, UK Altitude: 15 m. Date: 26 February 2022 Habit : Cultivated Vinca minor ‘Atropurpurea’ ?? Agree…. Vinca minor Atropurpurea. . References: |
Vinca minor (USA/ UK)
Updated on December 24, 2024