Viola banksii (Cultivated- Germany & USA)

Viola banksii K.R.Thiele & Prober, Muelleria 18: 15 2003.;
Australia (New South Wales, Queensland) as per Catalogue of Life;






Plant for ID-PC-34-26.08.2015 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)

please identify another plant from the same place.

cant see the flowers very clearly entirely

but this reminds of one of the myriad violas…  often seen wild… there are at least about a few hundred varieties…

this one is close to what is called DOG VIOLET s … better pictures of the possible spur and distinct five petals in each flower  etc would have helped.

and knowledge of what grows in Poland …

i personally dont know

Dog violets are seen in and described from Ireland, and many wildcrafters foraging for food kind of writers from USA.  many have eaten viola leaves in salads after a morning of foraging with a teacher often in spring.  I find them delicious

Viola, I don’t know which species.

Viola hederacea an australian species common in horticultural trade

This may also be Viola banksii

see paper and my fresh post,+19-Nov-2020+09:58:49+GMT

Viola banksii from California-GS16102020-1 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)

Viola banksii K.R. Thiele & Prober, 2003
Common name: Native Violet
Australian native, widely cultivated and often sold under name V. hederacea, under which it was formerly included. It differs in nearly orbicular leaves with deep sinus (reniform to semicircular in V. hederacea), flowers bright violet with prominent white tips (vs pale violet with white or pale violet tips), anterior petal elliptic to circular (vs. obovate), lateral petals recurved (vs spreading at 90 degree), long anther glands pale green to whitish (vs short, often purple), pollen golden (vs white) and glossy purple-black seeds (vs. dull mottled brown and cream).
Clicked at Regan Nursery, Fremont, California, 26-5-2019 where it was displayed as V. hederacea.
Here is all important paper with differences and original publication.







Two new species and a new hybrid in the Viola hederacea species complex– Kevin Thiele & Suzanne Prober- January 2003 Muelleria 18:7-25
Updated on December 23, 2024

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