25062014GS1 Woody climber for ID from Chakrata-GSJUN06 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1).
Woody climber from Chakrata was lying identified as Cayratia trifolia, but after comparing with my photographs from Delhi this seems to be totally different with leaflets entire along sides, with distinct cuneate base and broadest near top.
Kindl help in ID. For the past few days I kept watching on leaves of Cayratia trifolia and the leaflets are very variable indeed, from rounded to cuneate base and acute to obtuse or even rounded apex. But, didn’t find exact match. Incidentally I have already identified Vitis himalayana in a thread I am not able to locate. Here is image. Attachments (2) The plant looks closer to Parthenocissus semicordata which is the common and large climber in temperate areas. Vitis himalayana (Royle) Brandis is the synonym of Parthenocissus semicordata (Wall.) Planch, which I have already got identified. I am seeking identification of plant uploaded in second mail of this thread, details in first mail. Cyaratia ?? |
Vitaceae member- Woody climber from Chakrata, Uttarakhand
Updated on December 24, 2024