Acer species ?- Warsaw




Please Identify the plant from Morning Walker’s Park, Warsaw.

Is it Acer ginnala?

… is on the right track… this is Acer taartaricum ….the var that grows in caucasus region austria etc. so i dont see why it cant be also growing in Poland.
…, there many var. so you may have to search for the exact one!!1

Thanks … I will search for it.

Thanks again to both of you. Acer tatracum var. tatracum and A.t. var. semenovii both the species are found in Poland and its surrounding countries.

promila did you get to buy some books on polish flora? are there good ones?

can you share some titles that you yourself used/perused even if in a local library?

… sorry, but I could not get any thing of my interest in English, only in Polish; though the people helped me there whenever and where-ever possible.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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