Wrightia antidysenterica (Cultivated)

Wrightia antidysenterica (L.) R. Br., Asclepiadeae 63. 1810 (Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1:74. 1811) (Syn: (≡) Nerium antidysentericum L. (basionym); (=) Nerium zeylanicum L.; (≡) Walidda antidysenterica (L.) Pichon; (=) Wrightia zeylanica (L.) R. Br.);
Common name: Arctic Snow, Winter Cherry Tree, Milky way, Snowflake, Pudpitchaya, Sweet Indrajao, Hyamaraca • Sanskrit: Kutajah


Wrightia sp??211109PKA1 : Attachments (2). 8 posts by 3 authors.
Came across this plant in a garden nursery at Vadodara.  Its from Apocynaceae family. (28-10-09)
Looks like Wrightia sp. Plant was still in its growing stage.

I think Citrus sp.

I think this is a variety of Wrightia arborea

it is
Wrightia antidysenterica
Family: Apocynaceae
Snowflake, Milky way, Winter Cherry Tree, Arctic Snow, Pudpitchaya, Sweet Indrajao, Hyamaraca
Origin: Sri Lanka
A small compact and bushy shrub that blooms non stop year-round. The plant all covered with 1″ white flowers that look like little stars from a distance. It is a perfect specimen for limited space garden or patio. Can be easily grown as a houseplant. Doesn’t require additional pruning. It is a medicinal plant in India.

The bark possesses anti-microbial and anti-infammatory properties and therefore the juice extracted from it is administered for mouth sores. The leaves are used in treating several skin disorders, psoriasis, nonspecific dermatitis etc. The bark is used as an adulterant for the well known drug, Holarrhena antidysenterica. Related species – Wrightia tinctoria.
Please search in the following link
also in

I think … identification matches with link of flowersofindia and the following one of Wrightia antidysentrica




Identify : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)

Please identify this herb, garden plant, looks like APOCYNACEAE….

The flowers have a resemblance to one of the varieties of Wrightia antidysenterica

This should be Wrightia antidysenterica.

Should be ornamental variety of Wrightia antidysenterica (L.) R.Br. 



Kindly help Id this plant at a local nursery with white non fragrant flowers about 2.5 cms across, leaves approx 3cms x2 cm. no fruits seen


can this be Srilankan Tagar, Moonbeam? http://gardentenders.com/members/sharad/blog/2130


This was identified as Wrightia antidysenterica by … at Indian flora

I found the Sanskrit name and Family at flowersofindia
Family: Apocynaceae Sanskrit: Kutajah

Wrightia religiosa, a popular bonsai plant

I will go with – Wrightia antidysenterica ( Apocynaceae ).
… only one link–blog ( http://gardentenders.com/members/sharad/blog/2130 )
identifies dis plant as –
Shrilankan tagar / Tabernaemontana citrifolia.
Most of the info n pics depicts srilankan tagar differently.
Such as-

Thanks a lot … for confirming the Id. Yes I agree with you that there is only one link identifying this plant as Shrilankan tagar / Tabernaemontana citrifolia which had confused me too. Thanks for the links clarifying the Id further.

Wrightia antidysenterica

Many thanks … for confirming the Id

This plant is matching with threads under eFi page on Wightia antidysentrica ref https://sites.google.com/site/efloraofindia/species/a–-l/a/apocynaceae/wrightia/wrightia-antidysenterica

requesting to kindly confirm the Id

I think you are right, …


A few pictures of Wrightia antidysenterica.
Family: Apocynaceae

Pictures taken from my garden (November 2011 and June 2016 of the same plant).


Your images are superb with complete set.

SK914 28 DEC-2017:ID : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Date: 22 August 2012

Altitude: 40 ft.

Tree, Shrub or Climber?

Cannot recall but I guess a shrub !

Pl. check

Bingo ! Wrightia antidysenterica (L.) R.Br.

Flower for Id – ID01022018SH2 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Flower for Id pl.
Location – Home Garden, Mumbai

Date – Oct 2017

Pl. check






Confusion regarding Kutaja or indrajao of Ayurveda and the actual plant: The plants are very distinct, no one ever confuses them. One without corona now correctly known as Holarrhena pubescens, commonly known as Indrajao, feverpod and perhaps the real Kutaja of Ayurveda.

The other is the Wrightia antidysenterica, the coral swirl popularly sold in nurseries under the name arcticsnow, Snowflake. A plant with distinct corona, petals distinctly obovate, also known as Meethi indrajao.
Let us also bring in the related species Wrightia tinctoria with smaller flowers, linear petals, also known as sweet indrajao
To resolve this confusion let us go to the original descriptions in Flora of British India and synonyms. The first plant is described as named by Wallich and subsequently A. deCandolle, and hence citation Wall. ex DC. in recent publications. Wrightia antidysenterica Grah cited as synonym. FBI is not sure about synonymy of Chonemorpha antidysenterica G. Don. Wrightia tinctoria is a distinct species and should not come in confusion except for names indrajao and kutaja sometimes applied. The third crucial plant is one described as Wrightia zeylonica (L.) R.Br. with Nerium antidysentericum L. and Nerium zeylanicum L.
At the time Flora of British India, synonyms were cited but basionym author was not included in the accepted name. When this practice started Chonemorpha G. Don remained unknown and combination came to be known as Holarrhena antidysenterica (L.) Wall. ex A. DC., many not bothering to know where this L. came from, even after recently it has been understood that correct name for this plant been understood as H. pubescens. Pl. see citations below:
The second website, though a very reputed one, but puts first black and white illustration correctly but coloured photograph shows Wrightia antidydenterica. The Plant List worst confused, even putting H. pubscens as unresolved name. The correct synonymy can be seen at:
The second plant very distinct though remained in confusion because people remembered L., but forgot where it came from till it was finally known that Wrightia zeylanica (L.) R. Br. be correctly known as Wrightia antidysenterica (L.) R. Br., and it is based on Nerium antidysentericum.
The unfortunate thing being that people remembered antidysenterica but never bothered to know where it came from, and got tagged wrongly to Holarrhena antidydenterica (L.) Wall. ex A. DC., instead of correct H. anitdysenterica (G. Don) Wall. ex A.DC. as synonym for H. pubescens. Perhaps also important to mention that earliest name for this species was given by Roth in 1821 as Echites antidysenterica 1821 as against Chonemorpha antidysenteria G Don, 1838, but Roth’s name can’t be taken as basionym (Roth can’t go in parenthesis) as it is a a later homonym of Echites antidysenterica (L.) Roxb. ex Fleming.

Thank you very much … for this clarity and analysis of confusing identities.
From the references I read and use, I find kutaja is Holarrhena pubescens Wall. ex G. Don (earlier literature quote Holarrhena antidysenterica Wall. Ex A. DC.).
All other plants related to qualities of kutaja have some descriptors prefixed – like sweta-kutaja, stri-kutaja, pun-kutaja &c.

Yes … The real confusion started when basionym author was included wrongly as L. (not knowing about Chonemorpha antidysenterica of G. Don). The the Wikipedia has confused the things further.


Thanks a lot Sir for a very detailed analysis and review of a confusing situation…the unfortunate thing is there are a large number of such confusions probably due to the fact that access to data have not been so easy as it is today…I hope, in times to come majority of confusions will be resolved…thanks for throwing light on the matter…

Wrightia antidysenterica (L.) R.Br. : 6 posts by 2 authors. 4 images- 6 to 7 mb each.
Location :  Koh Chang, Thailand
Date: 09 December 2019
Elevation : MSL
Habitat : Cultivated

first picture: cant tell the flower details. later pics: likely

Same plant.


Apocynaceae: Wrightia antidysenterica R.Br.: 1 image.
synonyms: Holarrhena antidysenterica Wall., Holarrhena antidysenterica (L.) Wall. ex A.DC., Wrightia zeylanica (L.) R.Br., Holarrhena pubescens (Buch.-Ham.) Wall. ex G.Don, Holarrhena febrifuga Klotzsch
location/date: Harisal village, Melghat Wildlife Sancuary, Amravati Distr., Maharashtra, November 1994


Updated on December 24, 2024

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