Zamia integrifolia (Introduced)

Zamia integrifolia L.f. in W.Aiton, Hort. Kew. 3: 478 (1789), nom. cons. (syn: Encephalartos prunifer Sweet; Palmifolium floridanum (A.DC.) Kuntze; Palmifolium integrifolium (L.f.) Kuntze; Palmifolium medium (Jacq.) Kuntze; Palmifolium tenue (Willd.) Kuntze; Zamia angustifolia var. floridana (A.DC.) Regel; Zamia floridana A.DC.; Zamia floridana var. purshiana J.Schust.; Zamia floridana f. silvicola (Small) J.Schust.; Zamia floridana var. umbrosa (Small) D.B.Ward; Zamia integrifolia var. broomei D.B.Ward; Zamia integrifolia var. floridana (A.DC.) D.B.Ward; Zamia integrifolia var. silvicola (Small) D.B.Ward; Zamia integrifolia var. umbrosa (Small) D.B.Ward; Zamia media Jacq.; Zamia media f. brevipinnata J.Schust.; Zamia media f. calciola J.Schust.; Zamia media var. commeliniana J.Schust.; Zamia silvicola Small; Zamia subcoriacea H.L.Wendl. ex J.Schust.; Zamia tenuis Willd.; Zamia umbrosa Small);
SE. Georgia to Florida, Bahamas, Cuba, Cayman Islands as per POWO;

Zamia integrifolia is a small, tough, woody cycad native to the southeast United States (Florida, Georgia), the Bahamas, Cuba, Grand Cayman and possibly extinct in Puerto Rico and Haiti.

Zamia integrifolia produces a reddish seed cones with a distinct acuminate tip. The leaves are 20–100 cm long, with 5-30 pairs of leaflets (pinnae). Each leaflet is linear to lanceolate or oblong-obovate, 8–25 cm long and 0.5–2 cm broad, entire or with indistinct teeth at the tip. They are often revolute, with prickly petioles. It is similar in many respects to the closely related Zamia pumila, but that species differs in the more obvious toothing on the leaflets.[1]
This is a low-growing plant, with a trunk that grows to 3–25 cm high, but is often subterranean. Over time, it forms a multi-branched cluster, with a large, tuberous root system, which is actually an extension of the above-ground stems. The leaves can be completely lost during cold periods, with the plant lying dormant in its tuberous root system, allowing this cycad to be relatively cold hardy. The plant can survive up to USDA region 8b (this can be quite northern: for instance, Seattle is 8b). The stems and leaves will regenerate after the cold period subsides with full foliage [1][2]
Like other cycads, Zamia integrifolia is dioecious, having male or female plants. The male cones are cylindrical, growing to 5–16 cm long; they are often clustered. The female cones are elongate-ovoid and grow to 5–19 cm long and 4–6 cm in diameter.[1]
This plant has several common names. Two names, Florida arrowroot and wild sago, refer to the former commercial use of this species as the source of an edible starch. Coontie (or koonti) is derived from the Seminole Native American language conti hateka.
Zamia integrifolia inhabits a variety of habitats with well-drained sands or sandy loam soils. It prefers filtered sunlight to partial shade. 
(From  Wikipedia on 10.3.15)

Zamia integrifolia Ait.,
trunk up to 40 cm high, leaves with 6-18 pairs of oinnae, nearly entire or slightly toothed towards tip.
Photographed from Delhi University Flower Show


Zamia spp. for ID validation: 4 images.

I am sharing photos of the Zamia species in cultivation, which looks slightly similar to the Zamia integrifolia, but I am confused with the other species Zamia pumila as it also has some resemblance to it. Kindly help validate the ID of this cycad.
Place: Hamirpur. H.P. 
Dated: April, 2024

Zamia furfuracea L.f.

Thank you for the input sir. Yes, it has some morphological similarities to Zamia furfuracea but it’s a different species. I compared the leaflets with Zamia furfuracea and it was not matched. The features like the typical rigid or cardboard-like texture of the Z. furfuracea leaflets with rounded to sub-acute apex and serrulate leaf margin towards the tip are absent in the posted Zamia plant. It is more like Z. integrifolia and Z. pumila or maybe some dwarf form/variety of Z. integrifolia.

Yes, it appears more closer to Zamia integrifolia.
I tried but could not find the difference between the two, on the net.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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