Zephyranthes citrina Baker, Bot. Mag. 108: t. 6605 1882. (syn. Atamosco eggersiana (Urb.) Britton; Zephyranthes eggersiana Urb.);
Yellow Rain Lily, Yellow Fairy Lily, Yellow Zephyr Lilies;
are these varieties of rain lilies They appears to be what you stated. Yellow one is Rain Lily (Zephyranthes citrina) (thanks … for its Id the other day) & white one appears to be Z.insularum. Please click on the following link for its different species under Zephyranthes: IDENTIFICATION OF YELLOW MONSOON FLOWER: Could your group of experts please help identify and describe this YELLOW wild flower i photographed in a park in chandigarh. These flowers grow every monsoon season for a couple of weeks. I am writing about these flowers in the newspaper and would require your expertise. I guess Zephyranthes citrina, or commonly known as the Yellow Rain Lily. June 2012 Is this plant at a privately owned garden at Pune Zephyranthes citrina? Though the flowers look same, I suppose Zephyranthes citrina has thin narrow leaves. Thank you … for your reply. possibly there were other plants along with this plant in the pot . Sorry to have overlooked that SYMBIOSIS : 412: Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author. Attaching an image of a Common Grass Yellow butterfly on the flower of Zephyranthes citrina. Are these called Crocus are Thunder lily?: Please tell me if this is a Crocus or Thunder lily? Also looks like one of the grass Lilies (Ornithogalum umbellatum). But I am not sure, as the photograph is not very clear. Zephyranthus sulphurea, I think! I too think that this could be Zephyranthes sulphurea (Please note the spelling of genus) of Amaryllidaceae family. Both these treat it as syn. of Zephyranthes citrina as per details below: Dave’s Garden (Zephyranthes sulphurea syn. of Zephyranthes citrina) India Biodiversity Portal (Zephyranthes sulphurea syn. of Zephyranthes citrina) This is Zephyranthes citrina (synonym: Zephyranthes sulphurea) http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Rain%20Lily%20yellow.html Crocus is a different plant. Zephyranthes citrina as identified by … Rain lily or grass lily. I had these plants in my garden Id request : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Please identify following yellow flower, photographed in Kolkata, July 15. No leaves were found on stem, 6 in tall, single flower on each plant. Zephyranthes citrina Baker (Amaryllidaceae) I hope. shibpur bot G grassy knolls are full of these as you enter from the gate one or main gate or howrah gate… one gate many names and we these everywhere near water bodies in south 24 paraganas nice close up 62-TSP-ID-12MAY2016-1: A herb @ Chikmagalur for ID : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4) Kindly identify this plant.. Habit: Herb Habitat: Wasteland among grass, possibly an escape Sighting: Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1200 msl Date: 07-05-2014 and 16-05-2014 Is it Zephyranthes citrina the rain lily yellow buttercup like weed in grass with three compartment seedpod and black seeds. its zephyranthes citrina the rain lily. also we get them here in pinkish-mauvish color. some people plant them too Thanks for posting seed images. Possibly seeing for the first time.
References: The Plant List 1 The Plant List 2 (Zephyranthes sulphurea hort.) GRIN (Zephyranthes sulphurea) Dave’s Garden (Zephyranthes sulphurea syn. of Zephyranthes citrina) India Biodiversity Portal (Zephyranthes sulphurea syn. of Zephyranthes citrina) Zephyranthes citrina – Yellow rain lily (Liliaceae) – Plants of Hawaii PlantFiles: Detailed information on Rain Lily Zephyranthes citrina Zephyranthes citrina – Rain Lily yellow |
Zephyranthes citrina
Updated on December 24, 2024