Critically Endangered as per GBIF; Zeuxine rolfiana King & Pantl., J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2, Nat. Hist. 66: 599 1897. ; Zeuxine species for ID: Some *Zeuxine *looks like *gracillis / glandulosa* … sent me this photograph about 2 months back. This species is very close to Zeuxine nervosa, Z. stenophylla (not reported from India) and Z. glandulosa (except the leaves). I have been working on the ‘Jewel Wonderful. This should be Zeuxine rolfiana. Must be new for eflora. Thanks, …, Again posted by … on 31 March 2011 from Andamans and rediscovered after 121 years as per Rediscovery of Zeuxine rolfiana , a ‘Critically Endangered’ Endemic Indian Orchid from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, with a Note on Its Typification – December 2014 Annales Botanici Fennici 51(6):409 – 4013- Manudev K.M., Avishek Bhattacharjee & Santhosh Nampy. . ID please: Could you please help me to identify this plant. I assume the flower is not fully open thats why this is getting tricky. At one glance I thought this could be Zeuxine affinis (assuming lips needs some more straightening up). I sent your pictures to my friend at BSI, Dr Avishek, who is an expert on this group of Orchids. He says this could be Zeuxine nervosa but lips is showing variation. You need to dissect the flower and share the pictures if possible. I had the doubt that it could be Z.nervosa. I just got this mail from Orchid expert from Kew, Dr. Andre for my new article on Zeuxine. I am attaching a part of it here for you to understand the problem here: Dr. Andre Schuiteman: “Thanks for the excellent article. I think you have made a convincing case there. Many Zeuxine species, and related orchids, are still incompletely known, as the structure of the lip and column is often almost impossible to reconstruct from herbarium specimens.” Now that you have the flowers you can only resolve the doubts or you can send some flowers to me in 70% alcohol. I will request you to prepare a good sketch of it. If you need any more help from me, then you know where to ring or mail. Dr. Andre and Dr. Avishek (PhD on Jewel orchids of India) are very helpful. Since the plant shows some variation, am waiting for the next flowering season.. Again Zeuxine rolfiana. This specimen was later identified as Zeuxine rolfiana King & Pantl. by Dr. Avishek Bhattacharjee, BSI, Kolkata. This collection turned out to be the first collection of this taxon after its discovery (after 121 years). We together published a paper titled “Rediscovery of Zeuxine rolfiana, a ‘Critically Endangered’, endemic Indian orchid from Andaman and Nicobar islands with note on its typification” . This was posted by Manudev ji in efloraofindia on 7.3.11 and by Mayur ji on 31.3.11 as per details at ID please Zeuxine species for ID It was published as Rediscovery of Zeuxine rolfiana , a ‘Critically Endangered’ Endemic Indian Orchid from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, with a Note on Its Typification – December 2014 Annales Botanici Fennici 51(6):409 – 4013- Manudev K.M., Avishek Bhattacharjee & Santhosh Nampy. Again highlighting that many of the unidentified plants on efloraofindia are important for publication as new species and records etc. Heartening to know more about such posts from eFI !!! . References: POWO Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1 WCSP (Zeuxine rolfeana King & Pantl.) IPNI (Zeuxine rolfiana ) GBIF (High resolution specimens) Wikipedia Rediscovery of Zeuxine rolfiana , a ‘Critically Endangered’ Endemic Indian Orchid from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, with a Note on Its Typification – December 2014 Annales Botanici Fennici 51(6):409 – 4013- Manudev K.M., Avishek Bhattacharjee & Santhosh Nampy. |
Zeuxine rolfiana
Updated on December 24, 2024