Ziziphus caracutta Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb., Fl. Ind. 2: 361 1824. (syn: Ziziphus glaberrima (Sedgwick) Santapau; Ziziphus xylopyrus var. glaberrima Sedgwick) as per Catalogue of Life; . Ziziphus xylopyrus (Retz.) Willd., Sp. Pl. ed. 4. 1: 1104 (1798) (syn: Rhamnus rotundifolia Pers. ; Ziziphus caracutta Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb. ; Ziziphus cuneata Wall. ; Ziziphus elliptica Roxb. ; Ziziphus glaberrima (Sedgw.) Santapau ; Ziziphus heterogenea Russell ex Wall. ; Ziziphus orbicularis Schult. ; Ziziphus rotundifolia Roth ; Ziziphus ruminata Buch.-Ham. ex Wall. ; Rhamnus xylopyrus Retz. ; Ziziphus zonulata Blanco) as per POWO; . India (Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa, Maharashtra, Karnataka) as per Catalogue of Life; . India: Scattered from near base to the top of the hills, also in scrub jungle near sea coast. Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa, Maharashtra and Karnataka as per BSI flora of India; . ZIZ-ih-fuss — an ancient Greek name derived from the Persian word zizafun … Dave’s Botanary ¿ kah-rah-KOOT-tuh ? — vernacular name of this plant, described by Roxburgh in Flora Indica … efloraofindia . As per efi thread : Z. oenoplea: the twig and the lower surface of leaves are tomentose with golden silky hairs. upper surface is shining glossy. fruit are ripeing black, about 0.6-0.8 cm across; rind soft. styles 2. Ziziphus caracatta Buch-Ham. ex Roxb.: leaves glabrous above, glabrescent beneath, trinerved;deep green, ripening black, rugose, 1.5 cm in diameter, rind hard, stony. styles 3-fid. . As per efi thread: Z.caracatta is an unarmed small shrub/ small tree. with glabrous leaves and fruit. Z.xylopyra is a small tree [which may or may not be armed with prickles] and has tomentose undersurface of leaves and fruit. . Fr. Santapau has described this species (Ziziphus caracatta) as being “similar to Z. xylopyra, but differing principally in the leaves being completely glabrous or at most only the primary nerves being somewhat slightly pubescent. Small tree, erect, up to 4 m. high, mostly very sparsely armed, not rarely either completely unarmed or on the contrary armed with many thorns.” His description of the venation and the leaf base matches with that of … photographs: “the nerves not converging towards the apex of the leaf, but remaining parallel from the middle of the leaf up to the apex of the same … base acute or rounded and very unequal“. Conversely, the leaf base of Z. xylopyrus is “often nearly cordate”. . Request for ID 160809 Aarey 4 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2). Photos taken at Aarey coloney Mumbai. Date- 16 August 2009 … could it be Ziziphus caracutta (syn. Rhamnus xylopyrus, Ziziphus xylopyra) (Ziziphus, also spelled as Zizyphus) commonly known as: woody-fruited jujube • Hindi: कठबेर kathber • Kannada: ಗೊಟ್ಟೆ gotte • Malayalam: പൊട്ടമുള്ള് pottamull, തുടലി thutali • Marathi: घाटबोर ghatbor, घोंट ghont • Sanskrit: घोंट ghonta • Tamil: கொட்டையிலந்தை kottai-y-ilantai • Telugu: గొట్టి gotti If the tree is armed, it could be Flacourtia montana. it is. Ziziphus caracutta [Z.xylopyrus], Kath-bor: Attachments (9). Sending some of my photographs for comparison. The tree is dead centre in the first photograph. Is this Ziziphus rugosa – from Pune: This looks like Ziziphus caracutta [Z. xylopyra] to me. The local name is Ghat-bor. Please check the archives of this group for my photographs of this. Seeing the fruits in DSC_0805.JPG I could say this is not Ziziphus xylopyrus. Photograph DSC_0805.JPG is the odd-man out. Please also check the fruit seen in photographs 3 & 7. Have both these plants on my property at Shahapur. My photographs of Z. rugosa are available in the archives of this group. [To view them, please type ‘Zizyphus rugosa Neil Soares’ in the search box above]. Am sending photogrphs of Ziziphus caracutta for comparison in a separate mail. …, I saw yr thread f Ziziphus caracutta n yes the leaves n flowers do match. But as in yr pic.. fruits were white..I observed all blackish fruits. Affirmative. Your tree is Ziziphus caracutta [syn. Z. xylopyrus]. Ziziphus caracutta/ Z.xylopyrus Ziziphus caracutta finally. Ziziphus caracutta for id confirmation. 30.05.14_AK_02 : Attachments (7). 3 posts by 3 authors. This tree found in Pune district region, May 2014 Local people called it as “Ghatbor“/”Ghuti“ Prickles are not seen, found only one fruit !! is it Ziziphus caracutta or Z. xylopyrus ?? now one more query, Actually what is the difference between Z. caracutta & Z. xylopyrus ?? This also could be Z xylopyra because the fruit appear slightly tomentose. Mr. Ingalhalikar in his book ‘ Flowers of the Sayadaris’, Vol.2 has indicated that Z.xylopyra is a synonym of Z.caracutta [Dr.Almeida calls it Z.caracatta]. Cooke’s ‘Flora of Bombay Presidency’ makes no mention of Z.caracatta. Dr. Almeida in his ‘Flora of Maharashtra’, Vol 1 and Yadav & Sardesai in their ‘Flora of Kholapur District’ have separated the two. Z.caracatta is an unarmed small shrub / small tree. with glabrous leaves and fruit. Z.xylopyra is a small tree [which may or may not be armed with prickles] and has tomentose undersurface of leaves and fruit. Just spoke to Dr.Almeida. His take : – the 2 are distinct species. – Z.caracatta has no spines. – Z.caracutta was first described by Roxburgh from the Coromandel coast as a small unarmed tree. – Fr. Santapau changed its name to Z. glabberima. – Dr.Almeida in his book ‘Flora of Maharashtra’ has reverted back to its original name Z.caracatta. All this is very interesting. I just referred to Fr. Santapau’s notes on Zizyphus (attached herewith) and I feel it resembles Z. caracutta [syn. Z. glaberrima (Sedgw.) Sant.] Fr. Santapau has described this species as being “similar to Z. xylopyra, but differing principally in the leaves being completely glabrous or at most only the primary nerves being somewhat slightly pubescent. Small tree, erect, up to 4 m. high, mostly very sparsely armed, not rarely either completely unarmed or on the contrary armed with many thorns.” His description of the venation and the leaf base matches with that of … photographs: “the nerves not converging towards the apex of the leaf, but remaining parallel from the middle of the leaf up to the apex of the same … base acute or rounded and very unequal“. Conversely, the leaf base of Z. xylopyrus is “often nearly cordate”. His notes are from the early 1950s and his remarks on the distribution of these two species (in the last paragraph of the attached file) are also very interesting. The attached scan is from the paper “Critical Notes on the Identity and Nomenclature of some Bombay Plants: II. The Genus Zizyphus Mill.” by H. Santapau. [JBNHS, vol. 51, p. 803 – 804, 1953]. Names of Plants in India :: etymology of caracutta (of Ziziphus caracutta) : 4 posts by 3 authors. Ziziphus caracutta is known to be described from Coromandel coast; thus most chances are that the epithet caracutta is derived from local name. Any light on this ? கொட்டையிலந்தை kottai-y-ilantai is one name for Z. xylopyra – closely associated to Z. caracutta. Roxburgh, in his original description of Z. caracutta (Flora Indica, v. 1, p. 612, 1832), has mentioned “…A native of the southern parts of Mysore, and there known to the natives by the name Karakutta…”. See attached. Wonderful retrieval of information, … This is so wonderful. Zizyphus xylopyrus : 5 posts by 1 author. Attachments (1)- 3 Mb. Zizyphus xylopyrus Pl. also check Ziziphus caracutta with details and keys. Locan name is gutbor or ghut bor in Gujarat … has given ઘાટબોર ghat bor in Gujrati as per details at Ziziphus caracutta Flora of Kaiga_ID_Plz_13072011 PJ2: Date/Time-: 12/07/11 – 14:40 Location- Place, Altitude – Kaiga , Uttar Kannada, Karnataka, 380 mtrs Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- wild Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Tree Height/Length-9m This looks like Strychnos nux-vomica. This may be Ziziphus xylopyrus. I am much familiar with Strychnos nux-vomica, i agree with Ziziphus xylopyrus. Pl see if any chance for Zizyphus rugosa, pl comment. Z. rugosa is different in having long terminal panicles, pinkish fruits (when ripe) etc. Pl check this link: It is perfectly match with Ziziphus xylopyrus. I think it should be Ziziphus caracutta Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb. as per details and images herein. Ziziphus xylopyrus ? zizyphus rugosa perhaps 23052011 mm1: Affirmative … it looks like Ziziphus xylopyra (Retz.) Willd. Zizyphus xylopyra i think flowering time of ziziphus rugosa is over in januaary or february. … to me, … ‘s plant resembles more to Ziziphus xylopyrus (Retz.) Willd. just as … thinks … believing that Z. xylopyrus is synonym of Ziziphus caracutta Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb OR vice-versa. Ziziphus sp. for ID 30.05.14_AK_01 : 9 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (7). This plant found in Pune district region, May 2014 Prickles are present on stem also !! is it Ziziphus xylopyrus ?? or else ?? Affirmative. This looks like Ghatbor / Kath ber [Z.xylopyrus]. Please check this link :Google Groups Ziziphus rugosa. Petals are absent in Zizyphus rugosa Lamk. var. glabra Bhandari & Bhansali check for Zizyphus glabarata (Heyne ex Roth.)Wt., Icon. t.282, 1840; Lawson in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. India 1: 633, 1875; Almeida, Fl. Mah. 1: 254, 1996; Singh et al, Fl. Mah. St. 1: 543, 2000. Synonyms: Z. trinervia Roxb., Fl. India. Wall. ed. 2: 354, 1832 (non Poir, 1813), Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bombay 1: 256, 1958 (Repr.). Z. trinervius var. glabarata Heyne in Roth. Nov. Pl. Sp. 159, 1821. efi page on Ziziphus glabrata Zizyphus glabarata (Heyne ex Roth.)Wt., Icon. t.282 is unarmed. Ziziphus rugosa Lam. has cymes in terminal panicle I think it should be Ziziphus caracutta Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb. as per details and images herein. Zizyphus rugosa, Toran flowering: Toran was flowering at my farm at Shahapur today. Sending a few photographs – the last 2 were taken by my friend … Had recently posted photographs of it fruiting – they are available at this link: https://groups.google.com/indiantreepix/thread/c0…
ID request 24052011 PJ2: Id requested for the following attachment. Date/Time-: 12/04/11 – 10:45 Location- Place, Altitude – Kaiga , Uttar Kannada ,Karnataka, 380 mtrs Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- wild Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- tree Height/Length-9-10m This looks like Toran [Zizyphus rugosa]. My call is Z. glabrata. i think Z.oenoplia. fruit of this use for adulterant for Areca catechu I think it should be Ziziphus caracutta Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb. as per details and images herein.
Ziziphus caracutta – efloraofindia | Google Groups Date/Time- 21/08/2011– 09 AM Location- Buxa TR, North Bengal (WB) … seems to me Ziziphus caracutta. To me appears different from other images at Ziziphus caracutta Ziziphus xylopyrus ?? No, … It is possible that it may be some variety of Z. oenoplia (L.) Miller as per details herein. OK … So many Ziziphus this day. Confusing. Ziziphus xylopyrus (Retz.) Willd. Syn : Ziziphus caracutta Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb. ?? I think you are right. . References (Ziziphus caracutta Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.) (POWO considers it as a syn. of Ziziphus xylopyrus (Retz.) Willd.) The Plant List Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post Flowers of India Forest Flora of Andhra Pradesh (Zizyphus xylopyrus syn. Rhamnus xylopyrus) JSTOR Global plants (Specimen- Type of Ziziphus caracutta Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.– stored under name Ziziphus xylopyrus Willd.) India Biodiversity Portal (Ziziphus caracatta Buch-Ham. ex Roxb. with Ziziphus glaberrima & Ziziphus xylopyra var. glaberrim as syn.) Mansfeld’s Encyclopedia of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops: (Except … edited by Peter Hanelt, Richard Büttner (2001) (Ziziphus caracutta Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb., Ziziphus elliptica Roxb., Z. orbicularis Roem. & Schult., Z. rotundifolia Roth & Z. ruminata Buch.- Ham. ex Wall. as syn. of Ziziphus xylopyra Willd. (“xylopyrus”)) Flora Indica; Or, Descriptions of Indian Plants, Volume 1 By William Roxburgh (Ziziphus caracutta Buch. & Ziziphus xylopyrus Willd.) |
Ziziphus caracutta
Updated on March 10, 2025