
Zoysia japonica Steud. (S. Russian Far East to E. China and Temp. E. Asia: China North-Central, China Southeast, Japan, Korea, Manchuria, Nansei-shoto, Ogasawara-shoto, Primorye, Taiwan; Introduced into: Alabama, California, Fiji, Florida, Honduras, Illinois, India, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Marianas, Maryland, Myanmar, Ontario, Puerto Rico, Tennessee, Virginia as per POWO)


Zoysia matrella (L.) Merr. (Trop. & Subtrop. Asia to NW. Pacific: Bangladesh, Borneo, Caroline Is., China Southeast, Cocos (Keeling) Is., Hainan, India, Jawa, Korea, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Malaya, Maluku, Marianas, Marshall Is., Myanmar, New Guinea, Nicobar Is., Philippines, Queensland, Solomon Is., South China Sea, Sri Lanka, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam; Introduced into: Alabama, Bahamas, Bermuda, Brazil Southeast, Brazil West-Central, Burkina, Christmas I., Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Fiji, Florida, Georgia, Ghana, Gulf of Guinea Is., Haiti, Hawaii, Ivory Coast, Leeward Is., Louisiana, Madagascar, Maldives, Marquesas, Mauritius, Mexico Southwest, New Mexico, Nicaragua, Nigeria, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, Rodrigues, Réunion, Samoa, Society Is., Togo, Tokelau-Manihiki, Trinidad-Tobago, Tubuai Is. as per POWO)



Zoysia pacifica (Goudsw.) M.Hotta & Kuroki (Indo-China to Japan (Kyushu) and NW. Pacific: Japan, Kazan-retto, Lesser Sunda Is., Maluku, Marianas, Myanmar, Nansei-shoto, Ogasawara-shoto, Philippines, Solomon Is., Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam; Introduced into: Bahamas, Benin, Burkina, Cayman Is., Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Florida, Gabon, Galápagos, Haiti, Hawaii, Honduras, India, Ivory Coast, Mexico Northeast, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Tuamotu, West Himalaya as per POWO)


Zoysia (Poaceae) page with comparative images:
Pl. go through‎ Zoysia (Poaceae) page with comparative images of species in efloraofindia. On clicking the link of species, one can check the complete details.
I request you to pl. go through & point out mistakes, if any. I hope this will aid in identification in future. If anybody can send images of other species of this genus (for incorporation in the website), if any, or can identify unidentified images, it will be really nice. Pl. circulate it widely, for the benefit of all concerned.
Thanks a lot, Manoj Chandran ji, for most of the identifications.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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