Valley of flowers- List of plants; I had prepared a list of plants one might see at Valley of Flowers. Inputs were taken from “Flowersofindia” web site. Just arranged alphabetically and again uploaded.
Those visiting Valley of Flowers coming August: Here is an important link Best wishes for all of you who are going on this trip. The link is good, but all pics shown there are not from Valley of Flowers (That Cymbidium is Ornamental). But dont worry you will get to see more than those plants if you are at the right time. I will share link to my albums soon. I imagine why I didnt upload them on my facebook till now, but they are on orkut. Flora of Valley of Flowers & Around: Those visiting the Valley of Flowers might find this useful VoF Week :: DV :: the plants that I met during my 2012 VoF trip: This page is summary of all the plants that I met during my trip to Valley of Flowers. It contains thumbnails of both: identified as well as pending for ID. The thumbnails link to my collection in flickr photostream; the names put under – link to the posts in eFI. This page will serve as ready reckoner for my future use; and hopefully help others in some way. Immense thanks to all those who provided IDs; special thanks to … for responding with a lead or ID to every post. And to everyone for appreciation and good words. Above post is quite long; Gmail shows only a part of it. Wow! what a beautiful compilation … An innovative ‘site map’ of your VoF trip…Great work!!! Thanks … for a wonderful compilation.The VOF flora is available just a click away! kind of display of contents were made with bits of HTML and CSS. Create a doc at Google Docs, OR a page at your Google Site. Images that are to form part of this content, need to be already uploaded to some web location. Mine is flickr; alternately Picasa or other such photo blogs or sites with the requisite of getting URL of the photo. Then inserting photo(s) at any place is matter of getting familiar with the available formatting tools. Wonderful…. It’s a visual treat to the eyes… A pictorial guide to the Valley of flowers… VOF Statistics Dr Phadke Satish: Many thanks for all the participants for the overwhelming response to the recently concluded : VOF MONTH.
Valley of flowers- List of plants
Updated on December 23, 2024