Turnera ulmifolia

Turnera ulmifolia L., Sp. pl. 1:271. 1753 (Syn: (=) Turnera angustifolia Mill.) as per GRIN ;
Yellow Buttercups, Yellow Alder, Sage Rose, Cuban buttercup;


Flora of Panipat: Turnera ulmifolia from Arya PG College Campus Panipat:
Turnera ulmifolia from Arya PG College Campus Panipat
Cultivated Herb

This is also cultivated, Nurserymen say this Gul Dupahari However i am not agree to this common name


Watchmen near the well said in local language it is called “Raswanti
Date/Time-Sep 2011
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Pune
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Herb
Height/Length- 1/2 ft
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-dark green
Bright yellow half opened flower

Yah!! Turnera ulmifolia i have uploaded this soime time before attaching few pics again from my college

Thank you all for Id really very attractive and fresh plant. Thank you for the pics I could see the open flower
Is it of Turneraceae family or Passifloraceae?
A recent study found that yellow alder potentiated the antibiotic <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antibiotic> activity against methicillin—resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MRSA> ). Very imp in medicine S aureus has really become resistant and difficult to Rx

this is in family Passifloraceae <http://www.theplantlist.org/browse/A/Passifloraceae/>


Turnera ulmifolia ??:
I think this is Turnera ulmifolia, Yellow Alder or Yellow Buttercup? Please confirm. Seen in Karnala Bird Sanctuary yesterday. There is still a lot of monsoon vegetation in this sanctuary located on the Mumbai-Goa Highway. [Turnera subulata, White Alder was posted earlier on this site].


Turnera ulmifolia L. (Hooghly):
Attaching pictures of what may be Turnera ulmifolia L. species : Turnera ulmifolia L. Habit & Habitat : wild herb, approximately 2 feet high, appears to be a shade loving herb that likes moist place. Date : 08/06/12, 9.01 a.m. Place : Nalikul (Hooghly). ID help :

Attaching an image of male of a Mottled Emigrant butterfly on the flower of Turnera ulmifolia.I am thankful to …, for identifying the flower.


I.D please:
Shot at Haripal, Hoogly district of West Bengal.

Yesterday, i received those two mails, meant for id request, in my inbox and sent reply to each one to …, the one titled, “bon begun (1).jpg” , is likely to be Solanum torvum Swartz, and the other one, “un id flower.jpg” seems to me Turnera ulmifolia L.


Hooghly Today : Turnera ulmifolia L.:
Turnera ulmifolia L., recorded today in Hooghly.

ID Help :-


efloraofindia:”For Id 05092011MR8’’ bright yellow flower growing in the crevice of a well Pune : Attachments (1 + 3). 10 posts by 5 authors. Request for identification
Watchmen near the well said in local language it is called “Raswanti”
Date/Time-Sep 2011
Location-Place, Altitude, GPS- Pune
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-wild
Plant Habit-Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Herb
Height/Length- 1/2 ft
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-dark green
Bright yellow half opened flower

Turneria species?

Thank you … for the clue. Can it be Elm-leaved TurneraTurnera ulmifolia

may be Turnera ulmifolia

Yah!! Turnera ulmifolia i have uploaded this some time before attaching few pics again (3 numbers) from my college

Thank you all for Id really very attractive and fresh plant.
… Thank you for the pics I could see the open flower
Is it of Turneraceae family or Passifloraceae?
A recent study found that yellow alder potentiated the antibiotic activity against methicillin—resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Very imp in medicine S aureus has really become resistant and difficult to Rx

this is in family Passifloraceae

The Marathi names for this plant –bhinjara, bhinjira ref
Thanks to … for providing links where I get names in Marathi for the plants

Shrub Id from Bangladesh SM020 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1).
Tiliaceae member?
Habit: Shrub/Herb
Habitat: open place of village thickets
Flowering: October
Location; Barisal  

Turnera ulmifolia L.: Turneraceae

Is this Turnera angustifolia? or T. ulmifolia?

As per Grin (updated in 2012), Turnera angustifolia Mill. is a synonym of Turnera ulmifolia L.

BND 4 4/11/14 :  2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Please ID this small herbaceous ornamental with yellow flowers.
Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in March 2013.  

Turnera ulmifolia L.

Flower of Java : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
We need your help to id our herb please.  

Turnera ulmifolia

Yes I agree with …

yes and isnt this the one being studied to use in MRSA bugs? …


Request for identification. : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Please, let me know the common name and scientific name of the plant, the photo is  attached herewith, which has been shot today (23.6.17) in the morning at Murshidabad, West Bengal.
I will be deeply obliged.

May be Turnera ulmifolia.


Fwd: SK916 28 DEC-2017:ID 2 : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)

Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Date: 22 August 2012
Altitude: 40 ft.

I know this plant. But unable to remember right now. I will check out & let you know.

Turnera ulmifolia?

Also check for T.subulata.

I think matching more to Turnera ulmifolia L.

SK1486 04 Oct 2018 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Location: Kowloon Park, Hong Kong 
Date: 16 August 2018
Elevation:125 ft.
Habit : Cultivated

Looks like a Turnera.

Turnera ulmifolia L. Thank you …

near Jaigad in Aug 06; at Taki, in South Bengal, on 20. 02. 09; at Goregaon Mumabai- 29/11/09; on the 8th, January,10 at a flower nursery in Muscat; in Mumbai- Jan’10?;

Thursday’s Plant — Turnera ulmifolia
plant for ID -4 – indiantreepix | Google Groups


Identification of plant species: 2 images.
Please identify this plant.

Resembles Turnera sp.

Pl. check with images at Turnera ulmifolia L.
I am not very sure.


Turnera ulmifolia from Hawaii-GS31012023-1: 2 very high res. images.
Sharing Turnera ulmifolia clicked by my son from Hawaii on January 2, 2023.

Yes from me. it is a common weed here. Long back I posted the photos to the group. But not seen any where.

Yes, appears close as per images at


MS/2023/119: 4 images.
I am forwarding herewith the photos of Turnera species photographed near my house, Mysore, recently. Please confirm the ID/ suggest a new ID.

Turnera ulmifolia !


Passifloraceae: Turnera ulmifolia: 1 high res. image.
Turnera ulmifolia


Updated on December 24, 2024

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