Coprinus palmeranus ?

Coprinus palmeranus Bogart?;


SK1781 09 Feb 2019 – Mycophyta : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (7)- around 700 kb each.

Location: AIBO, Beijing, China
Altitude: 100 ft.
Date: 19 October 2014
Habit : Wild 

It’s Podaxis species
Family – Agaricaceae

Please Check Coprinus comatus

picture 3 and 5 are definitely Coprinus comatus the ink cap fungus

Thanks … it’s definitely Coprinus comatus.

Earlier I missed 3rd and 5th image with open matured black fruiting body which confirms it as Coprinus comatus as such opened black mature fruiting body doesn’t occur in Podaxis sp.
Yound Fruiting bodies of Podaxis sp. have the appearance of an unopened Coprinus comatus, that’s why I am confused.
Here’s a link mentioning the similarity 

yes, …, its often difficult, very difficult

also according to Cornell univ blog on fungi by Dr. Kathie T. Hodge

Editor and Blogificator, Associate Professor of Mycology, Department of Plant Pathology, Cornell univ. quote  ” It’s very hard to identify mushrooms from photographs alone” end quote. i totally agree with Dr Hodges.  but in this case, i had an extra help from my esoteric classes i have taken in the past long forgotten. there are many ink cap mushrooms (both in genus Coprinus and genus Coprinopsis). but in cases like this here, you never know where the nomenclature info pops out  from sometimes. it was not science on my part but a weird quirky memory bubble that came up from somewhere that got the AHA!  forty two  or more years ago i had for a few weekends tried making homemade inks. dont ask me why? one was ink from this mushroom…. this mushroom was mentioned and our teacher showed photos and deep blue black sticky glop in a jar. told us to go find it in the wet spots in the woods but  i did not find it where i lived but those pictures stuck in my memory bank somewhere. its enzyme chitinase in the mushroom that forms as the spores develop and then chitinase  digests the mushroom into that deep dark sticky glop that can be turned into ink to write with. chitin is found in the body armor of cockroaches of all things and shell fish shells etc .we had also  toyed with the idea that we can spray this glop on cockroaches!!! human mind and its labyrinths are a wonder to me. all this rushed out when i saw that pictures 3 and 5 above… weird , and wonderful. isn’t it? be well.

Coprinus comatus (O. F. Müll.) Pers.

Coprinus spp., Not C.comatus.
Maybe Coprinus cf. palmeranus or close.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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