Lycoperdon molle ?

Lycoperdon molle Pers., 1801 (Syn: Lycoperdon atropurpureum sensu auct.; fide Checklist of Basidiomycota of
Great Britain and Ireland (2005) (misapplied name); Lycoperdon gemmatum var. furfuraceum Fr., 1829; Lycoperdon gemmatum var. molle (Pers.) De Toni, 1888; Lycoperdon molle var. molle Pers., 1801; Lycoperdon umbrinum sensu auct.; fide Checklist of Basidiomycota of Great
Britain and Ireland (2005) (misapplied name)) ?;



SK2100 07 August 2019 – Mycophyta : 14 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4)- around 900 kb each. 

Location: Godawari, Lalitpur,, Nepal
Altitude: 1566 m.
Date: 21 July 2019
Habit : Wild

Sclerodermataceae member like Scleroderma ?

spore print?

No spores and print!

Looks more like Lycoperdon species.

Family – Agaricaceae

Could you please recommend a few good textbooks of mycology to us please

I guess … is correct but could not close in to the proper ID.

L. molle?

What are the other species reported from your area?
On checking on net, colour seems quite variable for Lycoperdon molle. Also pl. check

What are the other species reported from your area?

What are the other species reported in your book?

Attachments (1)- 2 mb- list

Thanks, …,
Listing here for future use on genus page:
Lycoperdon altimontanum
Lycoperdon  atropurpureum
Lycoperdon bovista
Lycoperdon caelatum
Lycoperdon depressum
Lycoperdon elongatum
Lycoperdon emodensis
Lycoperdon ericetorum
Lycoperdon fucatum
Lycoperdon gemmatum
Lycoperdon lambinoni var. quercetorum
Lycoperdon lambinonii var. lambinonii
Lycoperdon lividum
Lycoperdon mammiforme
Lycoperdon molle
Lycoperdon niveum
Lycoperdon perlatum
Lycoperdon perlatum var. dobremezianum
Lycoperdon pyriforme
Lycoperdon spadiceum
Lycoperdon wrightii
Lycoperdon yetisodale



Updated on December 24, 2024

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