Hooghly – Volvaria sp.? : Attachments (7).  8 posts by 3 authors.
Found this mushroom today (9.8.13), growing on organic waste under a tree.

I would think… Volvariella sp …

Thanks …, i thought both are synonyms, as in http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/3756159?uid=3738256&uid=2&uid=4&sid=21102560284573 and many others.

I think Volvaria is what  is termed as a ‘Deprecated Synonym’ of Volvariella sp

Thanks for your view. The field guide i have uses Volvaria and the same can be found in many many websites.

Certainly a Volvariella with those pink gills and a volva. But WHICH Volvariella is another thing entirely.
Here’s one paper online that describes a number of Indian species, but not necessarily what you have here.

Thanks to all, …, i have that paper.

Volvariella ?
