Termitomyces heimii ?

Termitomyces heimii Natarajan, 1979 (syn: Sinotermitomyces cavus M. Zang, 1981; Termitomyces longiradicatus Sathe & J. T. Daniel, 1981)?;
Andhra Pradesh; Pakistan; Peninsular Malaysia; Tamil Nadu; Yunnan as per Catalogue of Life;  





Attaching the pictures of one of the tastiest mushrooms that I have eaten. Never have I seen this on sale in any market. Unfortunately, people are always hunting for this in forests and private properties.
They do not even allow it to grow fully and open out as such these are the best pictures I could manage. When they sprout, they are available
by the basket full and freely growing in the wild. Could someone identify it please?
Date & Time- 14 July 2010
Location: Place, Altitude, GPS- Chethalayam, Wayanad, Kerala.
Plant Habit: Tree, Shrub, Climber, Herb- Mushroom
Height, Length- 4”

I am not sure without the mature basidiocarp but sure this from the Lepiota group of mushroom !!

Copying the Wikipedia link, Is it possible it is not lepiota because it is supposed to be poisonous according to this link, unless I am getting it wrong.

100% possible …

Interesting link about Mushroom appeared in BBC news today.

Thanks … for the Info.
Mushrooms, especially wild growing store C�sium-137 and Strontium and therefore only cultivated mushrooms were recommended to be used in the kitchen, after the Tschernobyl accident. We were warned not to eat the very good and popular mushroom Pfifferling (Cantharellus cibarius) from bavaria or ukraine, because of the fallout there.
I wonder, if this tiny mushroom from china has stored some dangarous think and so “killing” people. Anyway they are searching for the cause.

This is a very common phenomenon where the plant and fungi are known to accumulate metals or heavy metals in them. This particular feature has lead to the development of bio-remediation. The plants were initially used as bio-remediants but later fungi and bacteria have over taken the popularity, the simple reason is the growth rate factor. Many mycelial fungi and mushrooms in the world over has been or is being used to remove such toxic pollutants. They are known to remove, heavy metals, aliphatic, aromatic hydrocarbon and many other. after the remediation is complete these bio-forms are cautiously removed from the area. But when such organisms grow wildly in regions with toxicants present largely on the substrate they tend to accumulate it within themselves as a physiological phenomenon and enters into the food chain through animals or human may leads to many related diseases and can even lead to cancer.

any possibility of Termitomyces hemei


Updated on December 24, 2024

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