Panellus stipticus

Panellus stipticus (Bull.) P. Karst. (Syn: Agaricus betulinus sensu Bolton; Agaricus farinaceus Schumach., Agaricus farinaceus var. farinaceus Schumach., Agaricus flabelliformis sensu Sowerby, Withering; Agaricus lateralis Schaeff.; Agaricus semipetiolatus Lightf.; Agaricus stypticus Bull.; Agaricus stipticus var. farinaceus J. Kickx fil. ………; Crepidopus stypticus (Bull.) Gray; Lentinus stipticus (Bull.) J. Schröt.; Merulius stipticus (Bull.) Lam.; Panellus farinaceus (Schumach.) P. Karst.; Panellus stipticus var. albidotomentosus (Cooke & Massee) Z.
S. Bi ..; Panus farinaceus (Schumach.) Fr. ..; Panus stipticus (Bull.) Fr. …….; Paxillus lateralis (Schaeff.) Sacc.; Pleurotus stipticus (Bull.) P. Kumm.; Pocillaria stiptica (Bull.) Kuntze; Rhipidium stipticum (Bull.) Wallr.);
bitter oyster, astringent panus, luminescent panellus, stiptic fungus;





Please id this mushroom found on a rotting wood closer to river Moyar in Nilgiris North Forest Division.
Shot on 02 May 2010
Alt: ca. 500msl

It looks like Panellus stipticus. In this cap is yellowish breaking up into small scales, kidney or funnel shaped. Gills crowded, thin straight. Stipe short and lateral. This sp. is inedible, possibly poisonous. This grows on dead branches or stumps of broadleaf trees. Can you please check about the luminosity of this mushroom at night?

… is right this mushroom is indeed Panellus stipticus a bioluminescent genus of fungi from the family Tricholomataceae order Agaricales where the gills shows the luminescent phenomenon. The best thing is that if you have touched the mushroom accidentally then you would have felt the cap is woolly or better to say velvety above. If you keep this mushroom in a dark room for about 0 minutes or so it will start to glow.

I agree with you Panellus stipticus.

Thank you very much … for the detailed information and id of the mushroom. Next time, I try to keep this mushroom in a dark room and observe the bio-luminescence phenomenon; 

Thanks … for sharing these wonderful mushroom pictures.
With the onset of monsoon, I hope  eflora  photographers will go out for mushrooming, be able to capture  some amazing  bio-luminescence phenomenon through their lens in its  natural world. I think we need to look for them in dark, hollow fallen tree logs. Hope experts will educate us in finding many of these-  Nature’s Little Umbrella.

Nature’s Little Umbrella  just remembered, in Marathi we used to call the mushrooms a crow’s umbrella.

Updated on December 24, 2024