Gymnopus dryophilus (Bull.) Murrill, 1916 (Syn: Agaricus dryophilus Bull., 1790; Agaricus dryophilus var. caespitis Berk., 1852; Agaricus dryophilus var. dryophilus Bull., 1790; Agaricus dryophilus var. ochraceus J. Kickx fil., 1835; Agaricus lupuletorum Weinm., 1828; Collybia aquosa var. dryophila (Bull.) Krieglst., 2000; Collybia dryophila (Bull.) P. Kumm., 1871; Collybia dryophila var. alvearis Cooke, 1909; Collybia dryophila var. aurata Quél., 1886; Collybia dryophila var. depressa Raithelh., 1974; Collybia dryophila var. dryophila (Bull.) P. Kumm., 1871; Collybia dryophila var. griseonigricans De Seynes; Collybia dryophila var. minor Bres., 1885; Collybia dryophila var. oedipoides Singer, 1947; Collybia dryophila var. parvispora Raithelh., 1990; Collybia dryophila var. peronota Bres., 1885; Collybia dryophila var. steinmannii Raithelh., 1974; Collybia dryophila var. vernalis Schulzer & Bres., 1885; Collybia dryophila var. xanthochroa R. Schulz, 1924; Collybia lupuletorum (Weinm.) P. Karst., 1879; Gymnopus dryophilus var. dryophilus (Bull.) Murrill, 1916; Marasmius dryophilus (Bull.) P. Karst., 1889; Marasmius dryophilus var. alvearis (Cooke) Rea, 1922; Marasmius dryophilus var. auratus (Quél.) Rea, 1922; Marasmius dryophilus var. dryophilus (Bull.) P. Karst., 1889; Marasmius lupuletorum (Weinm.) Bres., 1892; Omphalia dryophila (Bull.) Gray, 1821);
SK 2529 12 March 2020 – Mycophyta : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)- around 850 kb each. Location : Sandakphu, Darjeeling Date: 13 May 2018 Elevation : 3500 m. Habitat : Wild May be something from Psathyrellaceae ? Marasmiellus (ex.Gymnopus) or Gymnopus sensu stricto. I guess one of Gymnopus dryophilus and Gymnopus acervatus. Could you please validate? Appears more closer to Gymnopus dryophilus as per rather than Gymnopus acervatus as per
SK1990 10 June 2019 – Mycophyta : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5) Location: Godawari, Lalitpur,, Nepal Altitude: 1566 m. Date: 04 June 2019 Habit : Wild Pl. check Amanita species i don’t think its Amanita sp. Looks like Gymnopus sp. Gymnopus dryophilus (Bull:Fr.) Murrill. ?? To me also appears close to images of Gymnopus dryophilus at What are the species listed in Nepal ? Yes it may be in Gymnopus dryophilus complex. However for exact species confirmation only pictures are not enough unlike plants here we have to study the microscopic characters along with spore print to get sure. G. dryophilus is distributed in North America and Europe. Thank you …! I agree but for lay person like me it is not possible to go through all these process. Sometimes back some expert advised to take images of underside to see the Gill pattern and cross section which I am following. Beyond this it is not possible to collect specimen and check spores and microscopically. I do not have such access. As such, I shall be taking only images of all aspects as far possible. What are the species listed in Nepal of this genus? Please find the list according to Dr. Adhikari book. Attachments (1)- 1 Mb. As per this, Gymnopus dryophilus is also listed in Nepal along with four others. Yes … I suggested accordingly Yes … I understand its not possible for many of us to do microscopic studies because of lack of equipment’s and other facilities. Your images are much detailed now than earlier showing many details including stipe, pileus, gills and habitat. I wish you can add one more detail of spore print for Agaricales as color of spore is really helpful in confirming some species. It is also easy to take spore prints. As Gymnopus dryophilus is mentioned in book than it is most likely G. dryophilus as it is not matching with other species mentioned. Please guide me the methods for spore print. How it is done? Which stage of mushroom produce spore print and materials required for it and if any other requirements. Obtaining spore print from gilled mushrooms (Agaricales) is easy you just need to select a mature pileus(cap) and you can place it (gills downward) on white paper if cap is dry can add a few water droplets on it and cover it under jar so as to about any disturbance for overnight or a day. Thereafter you will get spore print if pileus selected is matured but if the pileus selected is unmatured or overmatured than it may not show spore print. Moreover spore print also provides the detail like pileus diameter if scaled. Here’s a link that will help you more You can also see one of my post on Chlorophyllum molybdites where i have added spore print images. In that case green spore print is one of the key identifying feature of that species. Here’s the link showing its image Looks difficult for a lay person. Location: Indra Daha, Dahachok, Nepal Date: 23 June 2020 Altitude: 1732 m. Habitat : Wild Gymnopus (I don’t know if this particular spp. has been transferred to Marasmiellus recently) Yes looks like and suggested accordingly.
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Gymnopus dryophilus
Updated on December 24, 2024