Hoogly – Pleurotus sajor-caju (Fr.) Singer? : Attachments (8). 9 posts by 2 authors. Found today (8.8.13), growing singly on axil of a live tree. efi page on Pleurotus sajor-caju I think it may be Hohenbuhelia petaloides. If it is cutting the cap tissue should reveal a gelatinous layer under the cuticle/skin Thank you Sir. Many thanks to … I found info on Hohenbuhelia at –
Straighten me out here. I thought the Pleurotus with the mucus slime under the cuticle was Hohenbuhelia mastrucatus, the pleurotus with the grey colored fuzz over the cuticle. would I be wrong or are they both with this feature I believe they all do. This link mentions Hohenbuehelia petaloides does, but the one you mention may be more gooey I don’t know: Hope you are getting out pickin’ Thank you for the mail. Its colour and structure doesnot agree with P.sajor caju .The rosy colour resemble P.djmour. But the djamour may not have prominent stipe as in the present specimen. It needs detailed study to confirm its identity. Is it P.flabellatus? While recording these photographs i cut this mushroom into two halves and i didn’t notice any gelatinous substance as suggested by … But, i might have missed that very point since i didn’t know that there might be some look alike from other genera as well. Now, as i receive id suggestion from … it appears to me that it is closer to Pleurotus flabellatus than P. sajor-caju. I found info on both the two suggested taxa, and an article informs P. flabellatus can be cultivated on various substrate – http://itismypen.blogspot.in/2012/11/conversion-of-lignocellulosic-biomass.html. I think this is Pleurotus, may not be P. sajor-caju, but surely similar to – http://goa-shoom.net/ethnomycology/images/oyster.jpg (source – http://goa-shoom.net/ethnomycology/edible.html). Could be Pleurotus sp. Pleurotus sajor-caju is not in Pleurotus, it’s Lentinus sajor-caju. |
Pleurotus species- Hooghly, West Bengal
Updated on December 24, 2024