Suillellus dupainii ?

Suillellus dupainii (Boud.) Blanco-Dios, 2015 (syn: Boletus dupainii Boud., 1902; Rubroboletus dupainii (Boud.) Kuan Zhao & Zhu L. Yang, 2014; Tubiporus dupainii (Boud.) Maire, 1937) ?


Boletus sp. ATJUNE2016/26 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Kindly help with identification of this Boletus sp.
June 2016

Thanks, … Pl. check Boletus

Identified as Rubroboletus CF dupainii by Davide puddu ji on
FungiIndia FB page.
I think, it can be some other species of Rubroboletus.

Found this paper on Rubroboletus _A_new_genus_Rubroboletus_to_accommodate_ Boletus_sinicus_and_its_allies_Phytotaxa

It is certainly not Rubroboletus dupainii. So, presently, I think you may call it “Rubroboletus aff. dupainii“.




Catalogue of Life  Wikipedia  MycoBank  A new genus, Rubroboletus, to accommodate Boletus sinicus and its allies– KUAN ZHAO, GANG WU & ZHU L. YANG – Phytotaxa 188 (2): 061–0771 (2014)- (Abstract – Rubroboletus is erected as a new genus to accommodate Boletus sinicus and its allies based on morphological and molecular evidence. Morphologically, Rubroboletus differs from the remaining genera in Boletaceae by the combination of a reddish pileal surface, an orange-red to blood red surface of the hymenophore, yellow tubes, pink to red reticula or spots on the yellow background of the stipe, a bluish color-change when injured, a non-amyloid context, smooth spores which are olivebrown in deposit, and an interwoven trichodermal pileipellis. Our phylogenetic analyses based on five gene markers (ITS, nrLSU, tef1-α, rpb1 and rpb2) recognized eight species in the genus, including one new species and seven new combinations. A key to the eight species is provided.)

Updated on December 24, 2024

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