Scleroderma citrinum Pers., 1801 (syn: Lycoperdon aurantium sensu auct. (misapplied name); Scleroderma aurantiacum sensu Carleton Rea (1922), Ramsbottom (1953), non Linnaeus (Sp. Pl., 1753) (misapplied name); Scleroderma aurantium sensu auct. (2005) (misapplied name); Scleroderma aurantium var. macrorhizum (Fr.) Šebek, 1953; Scleroderma citrinum var. citrinum Pers., 1801; Scleroderma citrinum var. reticulatum (Coker & Couch) Guzmán, 1967; Scleroderma lycoperdoides var. reticulatum Coker & Couch, 1928; Scleroderma vulgare Hornem., 1819; Scleroderma vulgare var. bogoriense Henn. & E. Nyman, 1899; Scleroderma vulgare subsp. macrorhizon Wallr., 1831; Scleroderma vulgare var. novoguineense Henn., 1894; Scleroderma vulgare subsp. vulgare Hornem., 1819; Scleroderma vulgare f. vulgare Hornem., 1819; Scleroderma vulgare var. vulgare Hornem., 1819); . common earthball, pigskin poison puffball, common earth ball; . DV – 27JUN10 – 1254 :: small, spherical off-white mushroom – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 2 images. ID please of mushroom Date/Time : June 27, 2010 at 12.54pm IST Location Place : near Pavana Lake, Lonavala Altitude : about 688 m (above mean sea level) GPS : 18°39’4.82″N, 73°30’8.66″E Habitat : wild Type : grassland on ridge slope Habit : mushroom Height : about 10 – 15 mm Size : diameter 10 – 15 mm Lycoperdon sp commonly known as Puff Ball. wud have liked to see from the side. could it be common puffball, gem-studded puffball or devil’s snuff-box (Lycoperdon perlatum) German name Flaschenbovist, edible, when young. Gem-studded puffballs are considered to be a choice edible mushroom when young and the gleba is homogeneous and white. They become inedible as they mature: the gleba becomes yellow-tinged, then finally develops into a mass of powdery olive-green spores. I don’t think this is Lycoperdon perlatum which has a spiny architecture which not so well noted in … photos. the mushroom was spherical … it looked same all over. From its look it may be Scleroderma citrinum. A great call from …, this name really got erased from my mind for the time being Lycopedron sp.? ABAUG01/07 : 9 posts by 4 authors. 3 images. These puffballs (perhaps many species) are common here. These ones (about 3-4 at distances of 15-25 cm from each other) were growing at the base of a Quercus leucotrichophora. There was no visible stalk above ground. The inside was filled with the dark grey powder (gleba) in the mature one, and wet dark paste in the immature ones. An initial inquiry has suggested that it is eaten by locals but I am not yet sure. Is it a Lycopedron species? Please advise. Lycopedron sp.? Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP 1800m 4 August 2015 Looks like Scleroderma verrucosum or something close to that on your continent. Thank you … Will check the Scleroderma species recorded from here. This Wikipedia links states that it is quite cosmopolitan and reported from India: Thank you once again Bill. The Wikipedia description states that gleba is initially white of which I am not certain. I had pressed open a smaller, more firm, specimen and the gleba was wet black. Also the gleba in the mature one was more inky grey than brown. Could it perhaps be another Scleroderma species? I think that it is one of the (Kartofelbovist) common earthball (Scleroderma citrinum) . Thank you … Another expert also confirmed it to be the Scleroderma species but suggested S. verrucosum. I’d think of Scleroderma sp… Thank you … This is the third confirmation we have for Scleroderma sp. The names of S. verrucosum and S. citrinum have been suggested by two other members. SK2090 01 August 2019 – Mycophyta : 22 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) – 1 Mb each. Location: Phedi, Nagarkot, Bhaktapur Date: 6 July 2019 Elevation: 1647 m. Habit : Wild Pl. check comparative images at Class Agaricomycetes May be some Astraeus species as per comparative images herein. It is some Scleroderma sp. (Puffballs) Family – Sclerodermataceae I find inside portion to be different from Scleroderma as per images herein. It does not seem to have any outer layer as in Astraeus species as per comparative images herein. Here fruiting bodies are present above soil surface, surface is cracked and looks soft and leathery as in Scleroderma sp. while the unmatured fruiting bodies of Astraeus sp. on that page may look close to it but they are present atleast partly under soil surface and is not leathery and soft with no cracks on pileus surface. moreover we are not sure about the unmatured fruiting bodies present on Astraeus page, even that might be Scleroderma sp. and to confirm that we need to see its matured fruiting bodies. Thanks, … I further checked up and you seems to be right as per links given for both, as below: Scleroderma citrinum ?? What are the species of this genus reported from your area in the book ? Attachments (1)- 2 Mb. Wao!!! Lot of them. Did you try to check all of them in net. Yes …! May be as per Scleroderma citrinum and references herein. I did not check other species listed by you, but writing these below for future use to be used in genus page: Scleroderma areolatum Scleroderma aurantium Scleroderma bovista Scleroderma cepa Scleroderma citrinum Scleroderma geaster Scleroderma lycoperdoides Scleroderma nitidum Scleroderma polyrhizum Scleroderma sinnamariense Scleroderma texense Scleroderma verrucosum Scleroderma vulgare SK 2157 28 August 2019 – Mycophyta : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) – 1 mb each. Location: Muhanpokhari, Nagarkot,, Kathmandu Date: 03 August 2019 Elevation: 1795 m. Habit : Wild Pl. check comparative images at I think some Scleroderma species. Yes. appears to be similar. SK 2508 05 March 2020 – Mycophyta : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)- around 900 kb each. Location : Sundarijal Date: 30 July 2016 Elevation : 1500m. Habitat : Wild Pl. check Scleroderma citrinum Pers. Looks close. Location : Shivapuri Date: 04 July 2015 Elevation : 2000m. Habitat : Wild Scleroderma citrinum ?? Yes, may be Scleroderma citrinum . Fungi id.—300621sn1: 1 image. Help in id. please. location:Aambyvalley rd.,Upper Lonavala,Pune date:June21 habitat:wild Lycoperdon perlatum? Puffball fungus Some Scleroderma species as per comparative images herein. It looks like Scleroderma citrinum as per images on this site and also the location. |
Scleroderma citrinum
Updated on December 24, 2024